Home Master Water Softener Review

Home Master Water Softener
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I purchased a Master NP-20T combination water softener and filter. The price was nearly $1200. The unit softens water and filters well, but that's the end of the positive side. This unit has not worked correctly from day one. Every time it refills the brine tank it overflows. I called the place where I purchased the unit and was told that I should call Master. Ok, great. A call to Master is met with "We don't deal directly with the consumer. Call the location where you purchased the unit." I told them I did and the distributor told me to call them. After a couple of minutes of wrangling I was finally forwarded to a friendly, reasonably knowledgeable man who told me what he thought was wrong and how to fix it. GREAT!..... except it didn't fix the problem...... so, a few days later I call the distributor again and get the same answer, call Master. Arg. Ok, fine.
This time, no go. One woman transfers me to another women who tells me that they can't help me. I told her that the guy I talked to told me to call back if I needed more help. Her response? "We don't do that, call the distributor." Once again, I told her "I just got off the phone with the distributor, they told me, again, to call you." Her response? "I'll call them and tell them to call you."
What good is that supposed to do? They just told me 5 minutes ago that they don't know what's wrong with the unit and I should call YOU!
Anyway, this is the service you get for spending over $1000 on one of their units. I can promise (just as I told them) that they will NEVER get another penny of my money. EVER.

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