Beauty by Nature Review

Beauty by Nature
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Herbalist and natural medicine expert Brigitte Mars presents Beauty by Nature, a guide for improving one's appearance with aromatherapy, essential oils, herb facials, massage, yoga postures, improved diet, and other methods that are not only good for the body, but also good for the environment. Covering all aspects of external body care, from natural remedies to treat acne, dry or oily skin, and prevent wrinkles to keeping one's eyes healthy, applying beneficial natural deodorants and fragrances, keeping teeth and nails in good condition and much more. Beauty by Nature is a guide for everyone, men as well as women, young and old alike. Its emphasis on avoiding high-sugar, over-processed diet or harsh drug and chemical remedies in favor of more unprocessed foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, and natural or herbal options is a welcome supplement to personal health and self-care reference shelves.

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The journey to lasting beauty involves attention to both outer appearance and inner health. Here is a comprehensive program for attaining radiance and vitality using natural techniques. Includes directions and recipes for making scrubs, toners, moisturizers, facial sprays, and hair rinses, so easy to prepare they can be made in the kitchen. Beauty by Nature is the complete guide to unlocking your beauty potential. Also includes advice on body care for men, babies, and elders.

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