Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog (Howell Reference Books) Review

Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog (Howell Reference Books)
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This is another one of those books that I recommend to everyone interested in holistic care for their canine companions. It's somewhat more technical and scientific in its approach than the equally superb books by Pitcairn and Levy, but that shouldn't put anyone off. Volhard begins with several excellent chapters on canine nutrition which include a very detailed section on supplements. For those determined to feed a commercial food, she provides info on how to read labels, which ingredients to look for and what to avoid. Next she addresses the common problems of allergies and toxins in our dogs' environment, foods, and water, as well as drug and vaccine reactions. Instead of providing the reader with possible alternatives to vaccinating (such as homeopathic nosodes), she recommends a modified vaccine schedule using killed vaccines only for diseases endemic in the area in question and doing titer tests instead of routinely giving annual booster shots. While this is certainly superior to the traditional veterinary practice of needlessly subjecting dogs to potentially very harmful annual combo vaccines, I much prefer Dr. Pitcairn's vaccination schedule for those uncomfortable with using nosodes.
Next, Volhard explains the basics of the canine digestive tract and thyroid and adrenal gland function. This is followed by a chapter on laboratory tests and how to figure out if your dogs' lab results are within normal parameters.After this very technical chapter, Volhard dives into the rather controversial subject of kinesiology which is basically a form of biofeedback. If (like me) you're the skeptical type, this will sound like a bit of hocus pocus to you. While I keep an open mind, I have yet to be convinced that with this method one of my dogs can tell me -- through the transfer of energy -- if she has a bacterial infection or needs extra liver in her diet.
Like virtually everyone interested in a holistic approach to dog rearing, Volhard recommends feeding a natural, homeprepared diet. Unlike many other homeprepared diets, the one she recommends has been clinically tested over a 12-year period, so you can rest assured that it is perfectly balanced. Volhard tells you exactly what and how much to feed as well as how to supplement (there are exact charts for dogs of different sizes). The drawback of this diet is that it must be followed to the letter. There is no room for experimentation here. Another problem is that, like Pitcairn's diet, the Volhard diet contains too many grains. Dogs are carnivores, and while there's nothing wrong with small amounts of whole grains in the diet (unless of course a dog is allergic to all grains), several cups a day are simply too much. Less grains and more pulped vegetables and raw meaty bones would be healthier and more biologically appropriate.
There are several short, very basic chapters on herbal medicine, homeopathy, and other alternative therapies (if you're interested in these subjects, you'll definitely want to read more elsewhere). Finally there is a simple but useful reference guide to certain diseases and possible remedies, profiles of all the amino acids in dogs, and a brief resource guide.

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A complete revision of a ground-breaking reference.
Designed to provide updated information found in the original book, as well as lots of new topics, and a new organization—this second edition is more user-friendly than ever!
Readers will get the latest on:Healthful diets for dogs of every age and activity levelHow to modify your dog's diet to best meet seasonal needsNatural ways to keep your dog healthy throughout all stages of lifeHow to care for a dog in poor healthThe vaccine controversy—the pros, the cons and how to sort them out * Homeopathic remediesAlternative therapies, such as acupuncture, acupressure, aromatherapy, chiropractics and use of medicinal herbs

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