The Calcium Lie: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know Could Kill You Review

The Calcium Lie: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know Could Kill You
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The Calcium Lie
by Robert Thompson, M.D. and Kathleen Barnes
InTruth Press, c. 2008, 142pp.
What? We've been fooled again? Nutritional theories evolve and change over time as science learns more about the human body and its processes. Dr. Robert Thompson offers cutting edge information refuting the commonly held position of the importance of calcium, and lots of it, in our diet. Through his clinical practice, he has determined that an overabundance of calcium creates what he calls "The Calcium Cascade," a domino-effect of inefficient nutritional depletion that results in multiple metabolic malfunctions, including obesity, heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, anxiety, migraines, depression and hypertension.
Bones are not only made of calcium. Calcium is ONE of 12 minerals plus traces of many other minerals that are needed to make strong bones. He believes that we have been mislead by doctors, nutritionists, health care professionals and big pharmaceutical companies in the belief that we need more and more calcium. The simple fact is we need more MINERALS to create optimal functioning of our bodies' processes.
As soon as I read Dr. Thompson's book, I began checking the patients in MY clinical practice for the state of calcium and other minerals in their bodies. So far, 100% of them are presenting with mineral depletion and calcium overload! I'm recommending they discontinue any calcium supplements they may be taking and start a regimen of daily mineral tablets to replace these essential minerals in their system. It takes time to replace the minerals, yet simply removing the extra calcium begins to make positive health changes that are quickly noticeable.
I strongly recommend this book to all health care professionals and consumers who care about nutrition and well-being. Inform yourself and get off the calcium bandwagon!

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If you believe that bones are made of calcium, you have subscribed to The Calcium Lie.You're not alone. Most consumers and, surprisingly, most doctors, believe that bones are made of calcium. Yet any basic biochemistry textbook will tell you the truth: Bones are made of at least a dozen minerals and we need all of them in perfect proportions in order to have healthy bones and healthy bodies. If you get too much calcium, through food sources or by taking supplements, you set yourself up for an array of negative health consequences, including obesity, Type 2 diabetes, Type 2 hypothyroidism, hypertension, depression, problem pregnancies and more.This book gives you all the information you need to stay healthy and to regain your health if you or your doctor have been duped by The Calcium Lie.

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