The Smart Guide to Geothermal: How to Harvest Earth's Free Energy for Heating and Cooling Review

The Smart Guide to Geothermal: How to Harvest Earth's Free Energy for Heating and Cooling
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As a Licensed Professional Engineer, the book "The Smart Guide to Geothermal: How to Harvest Earth's Free Energy for Heating and Cooling" has a very good six page chapter on "What Will It Cost?" The 8.5 by 5.5 inch book of photographs, drawings, charts, graphs, etc, are sufficient for the general understanding of geothermal heating systems.
This was one of two books on Geothermal Heating & Cooling ordered through Amazon with expedited shipping, because my current system was out of order. Very fortunately, they arrived 24 hours before the contractor arrived to start making measurements. The two books saved me a fortune, because the the contractor had low balled his earlier verbal estimate to one-third of the real cost. When challenged by the two books in front of him, the price tripled. Needless to say, other arrangements have been made.

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Discover why geothermal heating and cooling is the most energy efficient technology available to homeowners, and how all homes--new or retrofit, in hot or cold climates--can use this reliable, silent, non-polluting way of extracting free energy from the earth. Contents: - Geothermal system options, including open-loop, closed-loop and DX configurations, using horizontal and vertical earth loops - The importance of finding a qualified contractor - Costs, tax credits and payback issues, plus calculating increased home values - Who is using geothermal energy, including the author s firsthand experiences, home profiles from around the country as well as an overview of commercial/institutional projects - How solar electricity can be used to power the system, plus other future trends - Unraveling the science and technology of geothermal heat pumps (GHPs) - Understanding GHP performance standards, ratings and warranties - Comprehensive appendix with helpful resources (manufacturers, associations, etc.) and a career section for those interested in entering the field

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