504 Relaxing Bath And Beauty Recipes Review

504 Relaxing Bath And Beauty Recipes
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I don't know who approved this book for publication! ALL of the recipes are split up in ways that are not friendly on the eyes and she advertises in the middle of them adding pointless bulk to the book! You shouldn't be in the middle of a recipe and see page 9 of 198 when you are really on page 5 or the name of the book and her website added every so many lines! Some of the recipes are also repeated, just with new names! For someone with a lot of patience to sit and highlight each title (like I had to since the name may be on one page and the ingredients and instructions may be on another! Also the lack of a table of contents to point you to the "bath" section or index to go find recipes involving a certain ingredient.) then this book is a good way to help you fill up lots of your own free time. (Something most of us don't have a lot of!)

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504 Relaxing Bath and Beauty Recipes: 504 easy and fun ways to relax, enjoy, unwind and beautify your body and your home.Each recipe is simple to make and uses natural herbs, spices, foods and materials found in the home.See how easy it is to turn any home and bath into a luxurious spa!

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