Science of Beauty Therapy Review

Science of Beauty Therapy
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As a lecturer of Beauty Therapy; one of the questions students almost always ask me is: `Why do we have to learn about science and anatomy and physiology?' This book answers that question; and makes learning the Science of Beauty Therapy pleasurable. After reading this book students will understand the importance of understanding how the body works in relation to understanding their clients; and creating the best treatment plans for their clients. This book offers the scientific essential underpinning knowledge useful for every Beauty Therapist! I cannot understate how important this knowledge is in providing a solid foundation for practical Beauty Therapy Treatments. This book will I am sure become a classical reference for all Beauty Therapy courses. Highly recommended!

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The new edition of The Science of Beauty Therapy has been thoroughly updated to make it more suitable for today's students. The text covers all the underpinning scientific concepts behind a range of therapy applications (from anatomy and physiology to electrical theory) and how it applies to the relevant equipment. This new edition includes extra material on Diet and Nutrition, Artificial Nails, and Laser Treatment to bring the text up-to-date with the latest developments in beauty and holistic therapies. Ideal for NVQ Level 2/3 and BTEC students, the text includes a variety of questions and activities to further enhance learning.

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