Fascinating Health Secrets Review

Fascinating Health Secrets
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Be careful taking some of the information presented here as fact, as the author presents it. In fact, some of his conclusions and points are still in debate, and most certain to change over time with new scientific information.
It's a fool who believes and presents certain information as fact when there exist differing views and a lack of DEFINITIVE proof either way. And its foolish to listen. There are several examples in the book, one being female ejaculation. Absolutely better books with better and more complete discussions on all topics exist. Look elsewhere. This one is a 1/2 true, money maker.

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Fascinating Health Secrets: Intriguing tips on medicine,beauty, health, sleep, nutrition, weight loss, longevity, exercise,brainpower, sexual attraction, and sex.A health book that's packed with information yet is actually enjoyableto readsound impossible?It's not! One television producer was soimpressed with the book and with Dr. Pezzi's style of communicatingthat he's developing a health show featuring the author that will bebroadcast worldwide.Read what some reviewers and readers have saidabout Fascinating Health Secrets!

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