From The Soil To The Stomach Review

From The Soil To The Stomach
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The book is an eye opener and a must read if you want to get healthy. I already knew that the big agri-businesses are NOT our friends and control 90% or more of what we eat. Like the tobacco companies they will lie to us about what is really in our food. Folks, it's all about money. Greedy CEO's invented mortgage deviratives. Similiarly, greedy CEO's of big agri-businesses invented fake food which is responsible for many of our illnesses and dieases including cancer.
"Soil to Stomach" will explain to you how depleted how soil is, why we need trees (they are the lungs of planet earth), how dead our water is; how we are cuckolded to eat dead food that has no nutiritional value. We intuitively know that the food we are eating is not healthy for us but we are physically, emotionally & mentally too tired to do anything about it. Fake food does that to you. Look around - we are a nation of "dead man walking".
Kelly tells you what is real food. The problem is that who has time to find or grow real food. We need a revolution where "we the people" must start demanding real nutritional food and that we hold the government accountable for approving such disasterous food products such as aspartame and trans fat or for approving flouride in our drinking water.
The book will get you started on healing yourself. There are several chapters on major and minor detox routines. I started doing a simple foot soak with the mustard & caynne pepper. Slept like a baby the first night. She also talks about supplements, lifesyles and offers several healing programs for specific illnesses.
Do yourself a favor and read this book. Because the MORE people who start demanding better health through real food and water then the better off "We the People" will be. This is not just about healing yourself but about healing our country where many of our kids will grow up to be sick adults before they are 40 or 50 years old. We need to take back our health from the big agri-businesses and government.

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Few people today understand why they aren't well and can't seem to heal simply because they do not understand the connection between the soil, the stomach, and disease. Most have been raised on manufactured foods and are at least two generations removed from any real involvement with the soil. What did our ancestors know about food that we don't? Why is each generation suffering from degenerative diseases at earlier and earlier ages? What happened to the healing skills of our ancestor? From The Soil To The Stomach takes a powerful and enlightening look at these questions and the reasons why we are not well in America

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