Hurricane Guide: Be Ready, Be Safe Review

Hurricane Guide: Be Ready, Be Safe
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Hurricane Guide: Be Ready, Be Safe is a no-nonsense, worst-case-scenario guide to preparing for, surviving, and coping with the aftermath of a hurricane. Chapters cover recommended personal inventory and supplies to keep handy in case of emergency, homeowner's insurance concerns, how to evacuate if there is need, financial planning to take into account, what to take when evacuating by car, food and water concerns for after the storm, and much more. Consumable checklists pepper this "must-have", easy-to-use resource highly recommended for anyone living in hurricane territory.

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"HURRICANE GUIDE: Be Ready. Be Safe." is a well-organized book that helps residents prepare for hurricanes. Comprehensive yet concise, the book guides homeowners through the critical stages of a storm's progress-- before, during and after a hurricane. Following the Severe Weather Timeline, the book educates readers about necessary preparations to take inside and outside their home. It also leads them through evacuation, if they choose to do so. Information is provided to prepare children, as well as disabled and elderly family members, and also pets. The reader is instructed on food handling, dealing with mold, securing a boat, essentials to purchase, budgeting for hurricane expenses, hiring a contractor and filing an insurance claim. Home inventory and contact information is also provided. Complete step-by-step guide to assist anyone living in a hurricane zone.

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