Water Kefir Grains (Live Active Culture) Review

Water Kefir Grains (Live Active Culture)
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I'm so glad I discovered water kefir! Just add water and a little sugar (I use rapadura) let it sit for 2 days and you have a half gallon of probiotic slightly fizzy drink. It can then be flavored to make lemonade, ginger ale or just add some organic fruit juice. My family loves it and I have a batch going all the time. Half gallon canning jars are perfect for this. I cut up an old dishtowel to fit the top and fastened it with a rubber band. You don't want an tight lid, because it needs to breathe while fermenting. You'll also need a wooden spoon for stirring. It seems metal and kefir cultures don't get along. This is a very economical treat, as the grains can be used over and over. Follow the simple directions included and you are all set. You can read all about the benefits of this and other health beverages like kombucha and beet kvass in Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon. This book truly changed our lives. Thanks Sally, and thanks to Cultures For Health for making these products available.

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