Gem Water: How to Prepare and Use Over 130 Crystal Waters for Therapeutic Treatments Review

Gem Water: How to Prepare and Use Over 130 Crystal Waters for Therapeutic Treatments
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This little book was just was I was looking for ! I have been making my own gemstones in water and drinking it, not sure what I was doing or why, I was just compelled. I kept thinking, if stones give off certain energies, and water absorbs and retains energies/memory/information, then can I drink their energy ?
Then one day I ran into this little book and ordered it rightaway !It was EXACTLY what I was looking for !
I am confused about one thing- he reccommends not putting the water or stones in sunlight, but thats what I have been doing with mine. I'm confused because I thought putting stone in sunlight would give it a "charge", yet he implies this would weaken it ???
If you are interested in elixirs or tonics or gemstone healing or water, or familiar with the book, "Hidden messages inwater" , I would check this book out ! Can fit in your purse !
Thank you to the authors and I want to visit your websites !

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Effective and healthy remedies produced by infusing water with appealing crystalline energies are carefully described in this informative manual. The first part covers aspects of preparation, featuring deceptively simple processes such as the boiling method, the water vapor method, and the test tube method—all of which can be easily mastered by crystal healing enthusiasts. After outlining the correct methods to use and listing poisonous crystals as a safety precaution, the book examines more than 100 usable crystals and 34 special mixtures, revealing their intended uses and effects for the optimum in therapeutic results.

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