GE GXSM01HWW Shower Filter System Review

GE GXSM01HWW Shower Filter System
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Short Story: I knew there was a lot of chlorine in my water, so I only drink bottled water. Then while I was whining about my hair thinning, a friend says that `Dr. Oz' was on Oprah saying that chlorine and other chemicals in our water can cause thinning hair. Off to Home Depot I went, but they and all other stores were out of just a filter (I didn't need an entire fancy showerhead system). When I finally received this Model in the mail, I screwed it on, turned on the water and the darn thing popped off and broke. I returned by mail it for another one, but that one is very tenuous in its stability. I would highly recommend getting a good solidly made shower head filter. This GE model is cheaply made, which brings up the old adage, "You get what you pay for". I'll let you know if my hair stops falling out later. I'll also let you know when I buy yet another BETTER filter (probably soon).
UPDATE: Two showers later, the entire filter snapped off. Now that didn't last long! I headed out for a GOOD filter head today! I ended up buying the "Culligan WHS-C125 Wall-Mount 10,000 Gallon Capacity Filtered Showerhead, Chrome Finish".

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