Wells and Septic Systems 2/E Review

Wells and Septic Systems 2/E
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Much of the same comments I made about the "Builder's Guide to Wells and Septic Systems" apply to this book. Although oriented more towards a home owner-builder rather than a professional home builder, it still lacks detail on septic systems. There is no discussion of sand mounds, which account for about 90% of all installations in my region of PA, or other alternative system types. About 1/3 of the book relates to septic systems and the balance to well and water systems.
If you are interested mainly in wells, this is probably not a bad choice. If your desire is to design your own septic system, then I think this book is lacking.

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Here's all the information you need to build a well or septic system yourself - and save a lot of time, money, and frustration. S. Blackwell Duncan has thoroughly revised and updated this second edition of Wells and Septic Systems to conform to current codes and requirements. He also has expanded this national bestseller to include new material on well and septic installation, water storage and distribution, water treatment, ecological considerations, and septic systems for problem building sites.

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