Confessions of a Body Builder, Rejuvenating the body with Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods & Ionized Water Review

Confessions of a Body Builder, Rejuvenating the body with Spirulina, Chlorella, Raw Foods and Ionized Water
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This book changed my life for the better. I understand health so much better than I did. I was doing everything wrong. But with the simple changes the author suggests, I have completely different changed my health. I haven't been to the doctor once since reading and I use to go constantly.

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I am not a body builder in the sense one usually thinks of a body builder. I do not sit in a gym with other muscular men and women and pump iron. While I do exercise vigorously everyday, the body building I refer to in the title of this book, and on the following pages, has to do with rejuvenating our bodies at the cellular level through the use of Nutrients and Ionized Water. What is accomplished by this is nothing short of slowing, if not reversing, the aging process. Much to my amazement, it can be done!

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