Bonsai Basics - A Comprehensive Guide to Care and Cultivation: A Pyramid Paperback (Pyramid Gardening) Review

Bonsai Basics - A Comprehensive Guide to Care and Cultivation: A Pyramid Paperback (Pyramid Gardening)
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Excellent! Understandable and well illustrated. This book is interesting
even if you don't plan to cultivate Bonsai.

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Tailored to meet the needs of the first time bonsai owner, this book is an extensive directory of every major bonsai type.Bonsai Basics explains in detail all the techniques needed to keep a bonsai alive and in good shape. Clear text and step-by-step illustrations ensure that even the most nervous newcomer can approach looking after bonsai with confidence. Filled with over 120 specially commissioned photographs and illustrations, the New Pyramid Bonsai Basics is an extensive directory of both indoor and outdoor trees and their characteristics.

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Natural Sheep Care Review

Natural Sheep Care
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This was a very informative book that I loved reading. The sources to start the lick are not viable though and I have had lots of difficulty finding the items discribed to start the lick.

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In this comprehensive guide for all breeders and keepers of sheep, Pat Coleby draws on decades of experience in natural animal husbandry to provide essential information for organic and sustainable farmers. A longtime commercial livestock farmer who takes a natural approach to husbandry, Coleby covers breeds of sheep, wool, meat and milk production, feeding requirements, poisonous plants, minerals and vitamins, herbal, homeopathic and natural remedies, and more. Originally published in Australia, this edition has been expanded significantly in the areas of breeding for finer wool and meat, land management, sheep management, and treatment of health problems. Coleby's step-by-step explanations of how to best benefit from a naturalistic, holistic approach make this book an invaluable resource for everyone with sheep.

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Amy's Bread, Revised and Updated: Artisan-style breads, sandwiches, pizzas, and more from New York City's favorite bakery Review

Amy's Bread, Revised and Updated: Artisan-style breads, sandwiches, pizzas, and more from New York City's favorite bakery
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I have a very large collection of bread-baking books, and my favorite book has long been the original "Amy's Bread" book (long out-of-print). When I had heard that a revised edition is coming out, I was ecstatic! Finally, new bakers will get to experience Amy's amazing breads. This book is a complete revision of the previous book, and I highly recommend getting it, whether or not you own the previous "Amy's Bread" book.
The style of this book is similar to the style of Amy's other book, "The Sweeter Side of Amy's Bread". The photographs by Aimee Herring are amazing. She is a talented photographer, making all of the breads look scrumptious. There are photographs of almost all products in the book. Additionally, there are photos of some shaping steps and also photographs of the bakery. The book is beautifully stylized; it is a joy to look at and to read from. In addition to the recipes and explanations, the book is studded with various stories of life at the bakery.
The recipes all have metric, imperial, and US measurements. This is such a huge plus! I find baking by metric weights far easier than every other method, and it is easy with this book. The other measurements are provided for those who find them more convenient. The recipes are all very clearly written. They are detailed and precise. Almost each recipe is accompanied by tips: ways to enhance the bread's flavor, flour suggestions, etc. Also, every recipe has a headnote explaining a bit about its origin.
The book begins with a detailed guide for bread baking, and also a clear and detailed sourdough section. I have used the method described in the book for making sourdough, and it does work. Then, there is a chapter about easy breads to get you started, containing some amazing and easy breads. Then there are other sections: whole-wheat breads, Rye breads, sourdough breads, semolina breads, sweet breads, etc. There is also a chapter on pizzas and flatbreads, and a chapter on sandwiches.
So far I have baked the whole-wheat bread with toasted walnuts and the whole-wheat bread with oats and pecans. Both were outstanding. The former has been my top bread for quite some time. I have tasted it at the bakery itself, and have since made it several times. It is just delicious. The second bread I made and brought to work. My colleagues finished the loaf within minutes. As one of my colleagues had said: "There is a serious problem with this bread; you cannot stop at just one slice." Now that the sourdough I had made (based on the method described in the book) is ripe, I have a batch of "Toy's Teddy Bread" proofing.
Finally, a quick comparison with the previous book: 9 recipes from the previous book do not appear in this book. Sadly, one of my favorites (Grainy Whole-Wheat and Seeds with Apricots, Prunes, and Raisins) has been omitted. These were replaced with 9 different recipes, including Amy's Brioche, The Picholine Olive Bread, and the Oragnic Miche, to name a few. Many of the recipes that appeared in the previous book were updated, so the recipes are a bit different. Some changes are quite small (the chocolate rolls now have dried cherries in them instead of peanut chips), others are quite large (different preferments, different hydrations, etc.).
All in all, if you had to select just one bread baking book, this is the one I recommend!

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Great Ideas for Potters: Selected from Over Thirty Years of Readers' Suggestions Review

Great Ideas for Potters: Selected from Over Thirty Years of Readers' Suggestions
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What a wonderful book for any potter! More answers and ideas than you can shake your pointy tool at! I promise you, you will keep coming back to this book for more answers and ideas. The 30 years of compiled answers and questions will cover every aspect of pottery making that you could dream of. Keep this book in your studio for some of the most inventive, fun, practical, and economical answers and ideas! A suggestion to readers from me would be to make sure and photocopy pages you want to use or they will be covered in clay in no time. I'm happy to say I'm on my third copy!

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This outstanding collection of 'Suggestions' fromCeramics Monthly readers provides more practical ceramic informationthan can be found anywhere for amateur and professional potters, aswell as students.

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Home Book of Smoke Cooking Meat, Fish & Game Review

Home Book of Smoke Cooking Meat, Fish and Game
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This book discusses smokers you can build, or purchase instead, and also gives tips on how to run your smoker for optimum results. Various fuels to use in smokers are mentioned as well. There is also a chapter on brines and seasonings, and several chapters on how to smoke different foods, including turkey, cheese, sausage, fish, beef, nuts, wild game, and much more. Another book you may find of interest is THE QUICK AND EASY ART OF SMOKING FOOD by Chris Dubbs and Dave Heberle.

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"Teaches you with diagrams and cogent explanation how to smoke food in family rather than commercial quantities. An invaluable reference work, the first of the kind that evaluates the equipment and methods of smoking."--New York Times

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Gifts from the Herb Garden Review

Gifts from the Herb Garden
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This is a truly visually beautiful book. Reading this book made me wish that I could live such an "herbal" lifestyle. There are not a lot of "recipes", or step-by-step guides for making herbal gifts, just beautiful pictures and good general information. This book really inspired me to try to make the many beautiful handmade gifts from the herb garden. I loved it.

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As visually appealing as it is practical, Gifts from the Herb Garden suggests innovative and delightful uses for both fresh and dried herbs, from bountiful wreaths and graceful garlands to personal fragrances. There's even a special section on herbs for the holidays. Full-color photographs.

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The Brain Wash: A Powerful, All-Natural Program to Protect Your Brain Against Alzheimer's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Parkinson's, and Other Diseases Review

The Brain Wash: A Powerful, All-Natural Program to Protect Your Brain Against Alzheimer's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Parkinson's, and Other Diseases
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When I read the release copy for The Brain Wash: A Powerful, All-Natural Program to Protect Your Brain Against Alzheimer's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Parkinson's and Other Diseases by Michelle Schoffro Cook, I thought that the concept sounded interesting. But for me, the reality was significantly different. I could have done without all the gloom and doom of the first part of the book. By the time I finished, I would have thought it was a minor miracle that everyone hadn't yet succumbed to Alzheimer's and Parkinson's by now based on the writings...
Acknowledgments; Introduction - Your Brain Is at Risk; Your Marvellous Brain in Action
Part 1 - The Brain Killers: Heavy Metal and Your Brain; The Deadly Neurotoxins; Food, Pseudo-Foods, and Chemicals in Disguise
Part 2 - The Brain Defenders: A Gut Instinct for Brain Health; Protective Foods and Nutrients; Healing Herbs
Part 3 - The Ultimate Brain Health Program: The Brain Wash Plan; The Brain Wash Plan for Specific Brain Diseases; Natural Therapies to Boost Your Brain
Resources; Endnotes; Index; About the Author
Before we get too far into this review, let me state very clearly... I agree that diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's exist, and I have no problem with the theories that they may be caused in part by environmental and/or nutritional issues. Having said that, I don't think it's useful to say that pretty much everything we eat, drink, breathe, or touch will somehow put very bad things in our body and guarantee we'll die early. Part 1 of the book is where I got off on the wrong foot. Heavy metals such as cadmium, aluminum, and mercury are explained, symptoms of poisoning are listed, and sources of these poisons are listed. The symptom lists are enough to cause hypochondriacs to have a field day. Just about any ache or pain can be found in one of the lists (except for the fabled four hour... you know.) And the source list encompasses pretty much everything you have in your house, car, kitchen, and refrigerator. So if you're living a relatively typical life, face it... you're toast. And toast is on the list too if you're toast with white bread.
Getting into parts 2 and 3, you start to learn what you can do to clean up the damage already in your body, as well as stave off additional problems. There's less gloom and doom here, but you could go crazy and broke trying to do everything listed. There are the typical vitamins and minerals, as well as a number of foods that have healthy properties. But then you start getting into what I would call esoteric things like rhodiola rosea, wild lettuce extract, grape extract, pectin, NADH, etc. I'm sure your local health food store will just LOVE you! And pretty much everything has to be organic, as that seems to be the only way to "guarantee" the food is healthy for you. But I couldn't help wondering... do you trust the "organic" label thrown on stuff these days? (I'm cynical.) And if the environment is already so polluted with mercury, lead, and other nasties, then aren't the "organic" foods sucking up those same things as part of their growth? Granted, probably less so than pesticide-laden crops, but I don't think we're talking black and white extremes here. It seems as if it's more a spectrum of grey...
There's much to be said for Cook's information and general approach. If you made the effort to eat and supplement as she directs, you would definitely live longer and probably eliminate some physical ailments you have. But I don't think I want to have my monthly paycheck direct deposited at the health food store, nor do I want to agonize over every last piece of fruit I pick up. The value I see here is to raise your awareness of how the brain is affected by food and chemical exposure, and give you the information you need to make potential changes as you see necessary. But like many radical dietary changes, I don't hold out much hope of long-term sustainability when the average person can't even stay on a basic diet and lose weight... myself included.

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A Powerful, All-Natural Program to Protect Your Brain Against Alzheimer's, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Depression, Parkinson's, and Other Brain Diseases.Scientists predict that within fifteen years brain disease will kill or disable more North Americans than cancer and heart disease combined.The Brain Wash is a powerful, holistic health plan based on the most cutting-edge brain, nutrition, and healing research. Combining thousands of scientific studies from around the globe, The Brain Wash offers a comprehensive, easy-to-follow approach proven to help protect your brain from damage.*** The Ultimate Brain Health Plan **** Get individualized, proven prevention and treatment plans for Alzheimer's, depression, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, Parkinson's, Multiple Sclerosis, and more.* Learn how everyday drugs, environmental pollutants, heavy metals, and pathogens cross the blood-brain barrier to wreak havoc on your brain.* Discover that your nutrition and lifestyle choices have been proven to be the key determinants in your brain's health--and what to do about it. Using brilliantly coloured foods and the most powerful natural medicines on earth, this book will show you how to strengthen your brain, prevent and treat disease, and enjoy your long life to its fullest.

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Creative Batik (Beginner's Guide to) Review

Creative Batik (Beginner's Guide to)
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I've started doing batik just a couple of months ago, and this is the third book I have bought from Amazon on this subject. I think this is the best of them three because it has very very clear instructions on every project the author suggests, great photos of each step, she shows very clearly a lot of techniques to use on different things (check out the lamp shade it's great)and I think most important of all she is very generous about her knowledge of batik, explaining everything that could happen if you do this or that, and with every day words, not all the technical-chemical mumbo jumbo i've found in other books.
One last thing, check out her galley in the book: it's really beautiful!

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This colorful, practical guide explores many different waxing and dyeing techniques, explaining how to create beautiful flowers, trees, birds, animals, landscapes, and abstract designs.

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An Anti-Cancer Diet: Prevent & reverse cancer. Live longer & look younger. Lower cholesterol & lose weight. Review

An Anti-Cancer Diet: Prevent and reverse cancer.  Live longer and look younger.  Lower cholesterol and lose weight.
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It makes sense I have read about these cures here and there and now they are all listed in one easy to find, easy to read book. I have sent to a friend with cancer and she is forever grateful. I also recommended ordering a copy to a doctor friend.

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Consistent with the plant-based diet recommended by the American Cancer Society, this book summarizes, in plain English, the latest findings from scientific studies related to genetic triggers, and other complex factors now known to influence health.Delicious and healthy food can be a part of your lifestyle today, if you know how to choose what's good for you.

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The Naturally Clean Home: 100 Safe and Easy Herbal Formulas for Non-Toxic Cleansers Review

The Naturally Clean Home: 100 Safe and Easy Herbal Formulas for Non-Toxic Cleansers
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I borrowed this book from my local library and followed up by purchasing a copy of my own. My main concerns were to have a safer environment for my two young children and to housekeep in a way that's as kind to the environment as possible. But it doesn't hurt that the recipes are both effective and smell wonderful! I love the "lavender soft scrubber", the "country spice scrubber" and the "cedarwood duster aid". The "fleas-be-gone carpet treatment" didn't hurt either, since I have two cats. I highly recommend this book.
For people who are also interested in making their own face and body care products, Better Basics for the Home by Annie Berthold-Bond and Rosemary Gladstar's Herbs for Natural Beauty are also wonderful.
One hint: Several of the recipes use baking soda, which can leave a residue. I've found that it rinses off very cleanly if you use a combination of water and white vinegar to rinse after cleaning.

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Readers will learn how to use the antiseptic and antiviral properties of herbs and essential oils in safer, more economical alternatives to commercial cleaning products. Recipes include laundry and dishwashing detergent; bathroom cleaners; wood, glass, and metal cleaners; air and carpet fresheners; car and pet care products; and insect repellents.

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Kitchen and Bath Design: A Guide to Planning Basics Review

Kitchen and Bath Design: A Guide to Planning Basics
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I agree with the above statement and I have a lot of kitchen and bath books to prove it. But this book is not just another kitchen/bath book; it is the last book on these two subjects that you'll ever need.Do not skip any pages, not even the introduction. Every single page of this book has valuable information, great solutions, and unique ideas.
In the beginning chapters, design basics for both kitchens and baths are discussed in detail, followed by construction requirements that are clearly explained by supportive pictures and illustrated drawings. When you reach the"Ergonomic Design" section,you will read one of the most valuable chapters in the book.This concept is really what makes this book unique.Even if you already know what this term means, you will learn how to implement it more effectively through the examples and specific illustrations throughout each chapter.For example,reduce back and muscle strain by placing dishes in deep drawers near the dishwasher rather than in upper cabinets. Or elevate the dishwasher itself, thereby avoiding the continual awkward lifting and the strain of bending over so far and so often.Needless to say, the full "how-to" is in the book.There are endless tried and true solutions using ergonomic design to solve problems, and you will benefit from every one.
"Kitchen and Bath Design"is not just a book with great ideas for a pretty kitchen or bath; it is a book that will help you design and build the most beautiful, functional room possible using ergonomic principles to meet your personal requirements. The most amazing feature of this book is the immense amount of organized information.You can indeed find the solutions to almost any design problem in just this one book.
Ok. So who is this book for? I think it is a necessity for anyone who has anything to do with a kitchen or bath project. Whether you are a home owner, manufacturer, lighting designer,interior designer, new construction or remodel contractor, this is the book for you. I would give "Kitchen and Bath Design" ten stars if I could.

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The all-in-one reference to designing stunning and functional kitchens and baths
Designing for today's kitchens and baths requires technical savvy, a keen eye for aesthetics, and perhaps most important of all, the ability to coordinate efforts across many disciplines. Kitchen and Bath Design simplifies these complex decision-making processes with a comprehensive strategy for achieving kitchen and bath designs that successfully integrate beauty and practicality—while meeting client expectations. Fundamental design basics are covered, along with a host of important issues that designers must consider when conceptualizing these specialized rooms, such as ergonomics, codes and safety requirements, proper lighting and ventilation, flooring, cabinetry, countertops, wall surfaces, and more. Some of the topics that appear in this book include:

A detailed introduction to construction, plumbing, and electrical basics

A systematic approach to incorporating "green," energy-conscious design

An overview of crucial design elements, including pattern, texture, line, form or mass, color, space and light, and sound

The latest building codes and manufacturers' guidelines

Written by a leading expert in interior design, Kitchen and Bath Design uses three-dimensional drawings and corresponding photographs to deliver valuable information that is critical when it comes to planning, designing, specifying, estimating, building, pricing, or evaluating a kitchen or bathroom. Whether they're working on a new or existing space, professional designers can apply the lessons learned from this current andaccessible resource to masterfully take on all kitchen or bathroom projects—from the simplest to the most highly challenging.

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The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials Review

The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials and Methods: Including Sod, Compressed Earth, Plaster, Straw, Beer Cans, Bottles, Cordwood, and Many Other Low Cost Materials
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This book is billed as a "complete guide" when what it really does is present only a thin sketch of the subject matter with very little insight or professional expertise involved. It reads like a high school term paper in which the student spent a few hours madly pulling stuff off of the internet without really doing any serious research. And don't buy this if you what you want is a guide for you to do alternative home building yourself. Every third paragraph ends with an admonishment to leave the job to a professional -- this despite several recipes for do-it-yourself building materials. And the organization of the book makes what little valuable information it has almost inaccessible. For example, although cordwood construction is specifically mentioned on the cover and takes up a number of pages and pictures inside, you won't find it on the table of contents or in the index. You will find it buried in an overlong and overbroad chapter that purports to be an overview of the building process. Supposed "case histories" interspersed throughout the book are frequently little more than thinly veiled ads for the subject's professional services or political agenda. You'd do better spending a few hours cruising the internet for better information than wasting money on this book. Besides, your internet search is likely to be more thorough and illuminating than anything this author came up with.

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In the United States alone, the annual construction of over one million new homes causes a very substantial drain on natural resources. Today, approximately 60 percent of the timber cut down in our country is used for building homes. Using alternative home building materials and creating a greener home are about creating better homes that are environmentally friendly, are less expensive in the long run, and create healthier occupants. Unfortunately, many people are unfamiliar with alternative building materials and do not know the first thing about going green. However, The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods will teach you everything you need to know about this movement toward natural construction methods. This book will show you how to identify, locate, and effectively use alternative building materials. You will learn about straw bale, cordwood, cob, adobe, rammed earth, light clay, pise, earthbag, bamboo, earth-rammed tires, cork, wool carpeting, sod, compressed earth, earth plaster, beer cans, bottles, as well as living roofs and more. In addition, you will learn the costs and performance characteristics of these materials and construction techniques for each, as well as how to integrate plumbing and electricity into these unfamiliar materials and substitutes for conventional approaches. You will also learn about the structure, climate control, siting, foundations, and flooring options you gain when using these materials. Also included are the advantages and benefits of alternative building materials for both consumers and builders and the key ecological design principles. Ultimately, you will come to understand that these materials are cheaper, easier to build with, stronger, more durable, and more fire resistant. Architects, designers, students, homeowners, homebuyers, owner builders, and those who want to build for a sustainable future will want to read this book. If you are concerned about the environment, want to create a healthier, more enjoyable home, and want to save money, The Complete Guide to Alternative Home Building Materials & Methods will show you how.

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The Complete Guide to Contracting Your Home Review

The Complete Guide to Contracting Your Home
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First of all, all of the reviews that currently appear on this site are for the PREVIOUS edition. I just purchased this 4TH edition WHICH WAS JUST RELEASED LAST MONTH - January 2010. This is an excellent book giving excellent insight to contracting your custom built home.

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This new edition of The Complete Guide to Contracting Your Homegives aspiring homeowners exactly the information they need to manage their own construction project. Full-color illustrations andphotographs with revamped forms and checklists present the material much like a project manual used by professional contractors.

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Organic Chemistry Demystified Review

Organic Chemistry Demystified
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I couldn't figure out which organic chem book was best from the Amazon reviews, so I ventured out to my local Borders bookstore and compared about 6 or 8 of them. "Demystified" was the clear winner thanks to clarity and depth of explanation, chapter tests, a brief review of inorganic, and an engaging style of writing. "Organic for Dummies" was my second choice (seemed insightful) but none of the others held up when checked side-by-side. For instance I checked out 'esters' in all books, and got a short paragraph in every one except Demystified, which managed to devote a few pages to an actual explanation. I even paid full retail for it - still a great deal for this book. (sorry Amazon)

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There's no easier, faster, or more practical way to learn the really tough subjects

Organic Chemistry Demystified follows the organization of standard organic chemistry courses and can also be used as a study guide for the MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) and DAT (Dental Admissions Testing) exams. This self-teaching guide comes complete with key points, background information, quizzes at the end of each chapter, and even a final exam. Simple enough for beginners but challenging enough for advanced students, this is a lively and entertaining brush-up, introductory text, or classroom supplement.

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The New Darkroom Handbook Review

The New Darkroom Handbook
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I just purchased this book because i am planning to build a darkroom in my basement, and it has provided me with alot of information. And if you have a really small bathroom and you think it's impossible to turn it into a darkroom and use it at the same time, then you better get this book. There are floorplans/layouts & elevation provided, as well as pictures to give you an idea of how your darkroom will turn out. There are so many alternatives given that you can't go wrong in builiding the perfect darkroom of your own and save money as well.

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The Darkroom Handbook, Second Edition, is a completely revised and updated version of a classic guide to the best design, construction, and equipment to use when setting up a darkroom.This book features ideas and money-saving tips on how to put a darkroom almost anywhere in your home or apartment.It takes you inside darkrooms of photographers around the world including those of famous photographers such as, Harry Callahan, Aaron Siskind, Berenice Abbott, and W. Eugene Smith.In addition, it contains detailed do-it-yourself plans for the most essential darkroom components, cutouts and design grids to plan that "dream" darkroom, and special sections on the color darkroom and the digital darkroom.The most comprehensive book on the darkroom.A step-by-step guide to help anyone plan and build a photo lab.Illustrated with an abundance of photos and sketches.

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Natural Beauty Basics : Create Your Own Cosmetics and Body Care Products Review

Natural Beauty Basics : Create Your Own Cosmetics and Body Care Products
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I like the explanations for different oils, additives etc and what type of skin is best for them. I also like that the book included cautions for different EO's (i.e. for pregnant women and sun exposure) as beginners would not know about needing to be careful of these things.
One thing that I WAS NOT impressed with was that she has you buy an organic base for different things (soaps, shampoos, etc) and just add the EO's rather than tell you how to make it completely from scratch yourself.
One word of caution - DO NOT USE THE SHAMPOO RECIPES for everyday use. The author is an RN and herbalist not a cosmetologist. She has you buy a baby shampoo for your base and just add the rest. I am a licensed cosmetologist and can tell you that baby shampoo is the worst shampoo you can use on your hair for everyday use. It is a clarifying shampoo used to strip your hair completely of everything and you will end up with dry, brittle, split end prone hair. It is ok for babies as babies have different kind of hair that is coated and needs the harsh shampoo in order to get it cleaned. It doesnt bother babies hair for one because you should only wash their hair at the most 3 times a week and for two their hair produces more oils to protect it. Bottom line - if you are going to use this shampoo, limit your usage to no more than once every two weeks to remove product buildup (use less than that if you dont use a lot of product). Consult another book for better hair care recipes - I highly recommend the book "Organic Body Care Recipes" by Stephanie Tourles (a licensed esthetician.

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Taking care of yourself means making healthy choices.We are inundated with ads that tell us we cannot have naturally beautiful skin and hair without buying and using expensive brand name products. The fact is, we can attain a radiant, healthy appearance by making our own skin and hair care products out of all-natural ingredients. Dorie Byers, a registered nurse, master gardener and herb enthusiast, describes the properties and characteristics of dozens of herbs, essential oils, and other natural ingredients, and provides a wealth of recipes for every skin type. These alternatives to commercial preparations will save you money and put you in control of the healthy ingredients you apply to your body.

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Beauty by Nature Review

Beauty by Nature
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Herbalist and natural medicine expert Brigitte Mars presents Beauty by Nature, a guide for improving one's appearance with aromatherapy, essential oils, herb facials, massage, yoga postures, improved diet, and other methods that are not only good for the body, but also good for the environment. Covering all aspects of external body care, from natural remedies to treat acne, dry or oily skin, and prevent wrinkles to keeping one's eyes healthy, applying beneficial natural deodorants and fragrances, keeping teeth and nails in good condition and much more. Beauty by Nature is a guide for everyone, men as well as women, young and old alike. Its emphasis on avoiding high-sugar, over-processed diet or harsh drug and chemical remedies in favor of more unprocessed foods, particularly fruits and vegetables, and natural or herbal options is a welcome supplement to personal health and self-care reference shelves.

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The journey to lasting beauty involves attention to both outer appearance and inner health. Here is a comprehensive program for attaining radiance and vitality using natural techniques. Includes directions and recipes for making scrubs, toners, moisturizers, facial sprays, and hair rinses, so easy to prepare they can be made in the kitchen. Beauty by Nature is the complete guide to unlocking your beauty potential. Also includes advice on body care for men, babies, and elders.

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