Maximum Energy Revised: Top ten health strategies to feel great, live longer, and enjoy life Review

Maximum Energy Revised: Top ten health strategies to feel great, live longer, and enjoy life
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This book was a breath of fresh air! No magic potions or programs. Just common sense nutrition with a focus on how life threatening our eating habits have become in America. I will never eat the same again after reading this book. I will also look at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in a whole new light after gleening insite into how they truely operate! After only two weeks of following Ted's recommendations I can feel and see a difference in my body. I highly recommend this book to everyone whom has struggled being overweight and or suffered from high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease. The bottom line is, one smart decision at a time!

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30 days to improve your energy level and general matter how you feel today!
"I don't believe in diets, and I am not going to tell you to give up everything you like to eat-just the things that can kill you before your time," says Broer. God created your body to operate at maximum energy and efficency levels, but these levels vary according to your lifestyle and by what you eat and drink each day.
Living healthier is about more than getting exercise and taking vitamins. Ted Broer addresses a variety of lifestyle essentials, including pure water, natural fiber, antioxidants, essential fats, sleeping habits, deep breathing, sunshine and fresh air, and learning how to relax.
Maximum Energy is about following ten strategies, discovering healthy solutions, and experiencing more energy than ever before!
Ted Broer says, "It is amazing to see what a difference just a few quality choices can make."

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