Homesteading in the 21st Century: How One Family Created a More Sustainable, Self-Sufficient, and Satisfying Life Review

Homesteading in the 21st Century: How One Family Created a More Sustainable, Self-Sufficient, and Satisfying Life
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George and Jane are back! Nash's classics "Renovating Old Houses" and"Wooden Fences", with photos by Jane, are standards in every do-it-yourselfer's library. Now these long-time homesteaders offer a how-we-did-it manual on backyard farming - everything from a small flock of hens to market-size production of eggs, veggies, cider, and other home-grown foodstuffs. It's a fun, colorful adventure, as George and Jane narrate their successes, lucky breaks, and disasters over decades of building their hillside farm; the message is that any newbie, with even the smallest backyard - or front porch - can reap the pleasures of self-reliance. This book is infused with humor, know-how, and love. Grab it and start digging!

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Not since Thoreau made his home in the woods at Walden Pond has the notion of self-sufficiency held more universal appeal. There's no question we're going through some tough economic times, but this book offers an alternative. It's a guide for anyone who imagines a better life—from struggling families tired of energy dependency to dreamers who always wished they could live off the land someday. This ultimate DIY guide holds to the premise that anyone can homestead, and raise at least a portion of their food themselves—even if they live in the city. This book is absolutely brimming with ideas on how to take control of your life by degrees—whether that means keeping chickens, growing a garden, or brewing your own beer.

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