Energy Efficient Homes For Dummies Review

Energy Efficient Homes For Dummies
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This was excellent for the basics, and gave some good info on various energy efficient ways to heat your home such as solar power, radiant heat, etc, but otherwise pretty basic.
The last chapter gives 30 ways to be more energy efficient. Of these, the least helpful was to skip the dishwasher drying cycle, and the most helpful was a tie between sealing the HVAC ducts and getting a solar hot water heater and going DIY to save $$.
Good if you need a basic reference, not so good if you're already well on the path of saving energy.

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Hands-on, practical solutions to save money by making smart energy changesOne of the best and most affordable strategies people can employ to combat global warming is to improve the energy and water efficiency of their homes. Energy Efficient Homes For Dummies provides homeowners with advice, tips, and projects to reduce costs, increase energy efficiency, and cut down on waste and pollution. After performing a do-it-yourself home energy audit, readers create an action plan based on their personal goals. Readers are presented with a wide range of potential solutions, from making better use of blinds and awnings to exploring geothermal options in order to reduce household costs and their impact on the planet.Rik DeGunther (Rescue, CA) is the founder of Efficient Homes, an energy consulting firm that focuses on home energy audits and the design of efficient heating and cooling systems.

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