The Interpet Encyclopedia of Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fishes Review

The Interpet Encyclopedia of Freshwater Tropical Aquarium Fishes
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An encyclopedia it is not, but it is a good honest little book that will help you through the problems that you may encounter with keeping tropical fish. If you follow the rules in this book you should encounter very few problems, but all fish-keepers have an occasional problem. Whether that be fish that do not get on together, or a case of white spot (a disease that can affect tropical fish, usually if they have a sudden change of water temperature. This disease can easily be cured by the introduction of a `medicine' that can be put into the water and is available from your tropical fish supplier.
Another point is that like humans not all fish get on with one another and this book will help you to ensure that all the inhabitants of your tank get on well together.. The book features over 200 fish popular with tropical fish keepers and although I have not counted them the blurb says that there are 500 colour photographs.
As I said at the beginning, not an encyclopedia but a book that is well written, by people who know what they are talking about, with lots of information for both the beginner and those who have kept fish for some time. There is always that snippet of information that has gone to the back of the mind of even the most competent of tropical fish hobbyists.

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