What's In This Stuff?: The Hidden Toxins in Everyday Products - and What You Can Do About Them Review

What's In This Stuff: The Hidden Toxins in Everyday Products - and What You Can Do About Them
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I found this book browsing in a small bookstore in Aptos, California. I was interested in finding out what is in some processed restaurant and other foods that I am finding myself sensitive to...well, my God, I had no idea what a toxic jungle of products are available for consumers to slowly poison themselves with. The book is very informative and straightforward. It is easy to locate the information you want and frankly I found it easier than searching the internet. The content is what it is and the author doesn't try to glamorize what is quite sobering information nor trivilize. A must read and act upon book!

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The essential reference to what's really in the products we buy. Every day Americans eat processed food and use toiletries, cosmetics, household cleaners, gardening supplies and often pet care products of some kind. It's time to ask What's in This Stuff? The answers are shocking. This fascinating book reveals how many of the products used every day contain poorly tested chemicals that are implicated in health problems, and offers simple, nontoxic alternatives. It explains: - Why we are exposed to more chemicals than ever before - The health risks of exposure to industrial chemicals in consumer products - Which chemicals are most harmful - Why babies in the womb and young children are especially vulnerable to toxins - How to interpret confusing labels - Tips for using conventional products more wisely

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