Our Cabin Companion Review

Our Cabin Companion
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This is what I've been looking for and couldn't find anything else like it.
This is the perfect book for anyone who has a vacation home. Our relatives and friends who use our vacation home will be able to find things quickly without having to call us or search the house for what they need. It also provides many other interesting facts about the area and a place for people to leave a message for us when they leave.

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Much of the fun of owning a cabin or log home retreat involves being able to share the space with family and friends. The Cabin Companion is designed to take the guesswork out of being a guest, providing vital information and allowing visitors to relax and get comfortable, whether or not the cabin's owner is even there! Need to find the wiener roasters, emergency numbers, or phone numbers of repair people? Wonder where to find linens, how to dispose of the garbage, or keep the furry critters away? Not sure where to ski, fish, or hike? No problem- The Cabin Companion stores all this information and more in a unique and rustic package that looks great on the coffee table, but is also as useful as the cabin's kitchen sink!The Cabin Companion organizes all the important information, personalized and documented in one place, so that cabin sitters or guests enjoy a safe and worry-free visit-and leave the cabin owner with peace of mind.

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