Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child: More Than 300 Natural, Nontoxic, and Fragrant Essential Oil Blends Review

Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child: More Than 300 Natural, Nontoxic, and Fragrant Essential Oil Blends
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This book is astoundingly thorough and complete. I cannot say enough good things about it. It covers just about every childhood ailment you can think of, and ways to treat it with aromatherapy. And not just the typical massage oils and room scents. This book goes into hydrasols, essential oil waters, and the best carrier oils to use on kids. It covers every single thing you need to know to start using essential oils on your child. Not only that, it has dietary recommendations, mental health blends for the kids, and just good advice in general. It has a wonderful A to Z section of ailments that includes detailed explanation of the symptoms, cause, and treatment. This book is just great. It even has a small section on kids who have special needs. Everything is detailed perfectly. The layout is easy to follow and conditions or informaton can be swiftly looked up. If you have kids, you really should get this book. It is so informative and easy to read. I just can't say enough good things about this book.

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This reference shows how essential oils can help parents raise healthier, happier children. Chapters cover every age from newborn to teen with aromatherapy remedies for typical problems--from diaper rash to bedwetting to asthma. The book features information for pregnant mothers and physically challenged children and appendices with reference charts, safety data, and supplier information. This is a valuable book for every concerned parent.

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