Miserly Moms: Living Well on Less in a Tough Economy Review

Miserly Moms: Living Well on Less in a Tough Economy
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I was kind of leery when I first began reading Miserly Moms Living Well on Less in a Tough Economy by Jonni McCoy and published by Bethany House because I wasn't sure if a family who has two children and who has a lot of other differences compared to our family would be able to help me with ideas on living frugally. I was proven wrong and again taught not to assume or judge a book or an author by it's cover. This book is indeed a great help no matter the size of your family.
As gas prices go back up, food prices continue to climb and trying to make sure we have enough money for a house payment, one van payment, electricity, water, food, etc I try to find ways to cut corners. For my family, food is one way we look to cut corners and I have been already been doing a lot of scratch baking and freezing. It's amazing how one can stretch a $1.55 (on 'sale' at Aldi's) bag of flour! So that was one thing I concentrated on this book, the food. Also by cutting out cable and satellite *GASP* and not having a cell phone *GASP AGAIN** we don't live like most Americans.
Jonni McCoy offers Eleven Miserly Guidelines that are easy to implement and keep with it. Some of these I had already been doing such as not shopping at the same store, making and freezing food, making meals from scratch, etc but she offers other ideas for taking it further. She gives idea for baby care including whether to use disposable or cloth diapers, making your own baby food (we save on this by my nursing for however long the baby wants and not starting solids until 7 or 8 months when the baby can generally some of the foods I make for everyone else). There is also a section for working moms, although she does advocate for mom's who stay home she knows this isn't always a possibility for all moms.
The section on clothing was the one section I disagreed with as she said she she figures out how many outfits her family needs each month or two and tries to find the best deals for the items needed. I couldn't imagine being able to buy new clothing or even buying clothing at thrift stores every couple months - it's not in our budget. So that to me was a bit much, but I don't have an issue with my clothes not being the latest fashion either.
Overall, I was very impressed with the ideas in the book and she has included several recipes. I made the taco seasoning, I hate buying the store bought seasoning with all the MSG and other junk, so I made the recipe in her book and it was GREAT! My husband said he liked it better than the store bought as well. It had more taste and definitely more healthy and cost effective (it makes 12 servings). There are many more recipes and ideas for "pre-packaged" convenience foods to make at home - like baking mixes you can use for biscuits and pancakes. If you'd like to learn how to save money I would definitely suggest you get this book!

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With gas and food prices soaring, there's more need than ever before for Jonni McCoy's Miserly Moms. Jonni shares the money-saving strategies that allowed her family to transition from two incomes to one. These practical, proven strategies, tips, and recipes will help anyone live frugally without feeling deprived. Real-life examples show how anyone can learn to live more carefully and reach their financial goals. Now in its fourth edition, Miserly Moms is packed with even more ways to reduce a family's expenses and expose hidden living costs.

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