Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals: A Comprehensive Guide to the Use of Essential Oils & Hydrosols with Animals Review

Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals: A Comprehensive Guide to the Use of Essential Oils and Hydrosols with Animals
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As an aromatherapist owned by 5 cats, it is hard for me to enjoy my work and keep the cats out of harm's way. Why, you wonder? Because essential oils can be very unsafe for use around cats. I had briefly read about this but did not realize just how important it was until I had the pleasure of my holistic vet recommending this new book.
Through a series of case studies, toxicology reports and veterinary research, Ms. Bell unravels the mystery of essential oil and hydrosol use with cats, presenting information that is both informative and engaging. After reading the cat section of this book, I felt fully capable of making informed and intelligent decisions about the use of aromatherapy with cats. I found Ms Bell's viewpoint refreshingly candid and well researched- allowing the reader the opportunity to form their own opinion on the topic or to explore it further through more detailed methods of toxicology and bloodwork. Safety is the key message here. I have Ms. Bell to thank for the livelihood of my cats. Before purchasing her book, I bought a Young Living video about using essential oils with animals. The video suggested putting essential oils undiluted on cat's paws, ear tips or stomach. Thank the Lord that I did not do this! I could have caused irreparable harm to my cats.
If you are owned by cats, and love aromatherapy, you must purchase this book- you won't be sorry, and your cats will thank you.

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This resource provides effective aromatherapy information and treatments that improve and maintain animal health, as well as prevent common ailments in dogs, cats, and other animals.

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