The Magnesium Factor Review

The Magnesium Factor
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Drs. Seelig and Rosanoff have pinpointed THE LETHAL FLAW in American nutrition and medicine, that being chronic, culturally-induced magnesium deficiency. Magnesium deficiency/calcium excess causes 90% of all lethal heart attacks, and causes more illness than anyone can imagine. The reader MUST see pages 5 and 17 of their book. Page 5 shows that heart attack deaths in 1900 were essentially zero, but by 2,000 the incidence had climbed to about 700,000 per year due to a decline over the same time in magnesium dietary intake. Lethal heart attacks are caused by low magnesium. Page 17 shows that nations with low magnesium/high calcium diets (U.S. Finland, Netherlands) have a lethal heart attack rate 20 times higher than nations with high magnesium/low calcium diets (Japan). Drs. Seelig & Rosenoff show by review of many peer-reviewed medical journal articles that nearly all of the serious/lethal heart conditions such as arrhythmias, tachycardia, EKG & ECG abnormalities, arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, angina, heart attacks (including sudden death heart attacks), high bad cholesterol, blood clots, mitral valve prolapes, type II diabetes, inability to handle "stress" are really nothing more than SYMPTOMS of severe magnesium deficiency. Many other "diseases" such as constipation, kidney stones, menstrual cramps, pre-eclampsia, ecalampsia, PMS, spontaneous abortion, miscarriage, carbohydrate intolerance, ravenous appetite, obesity, low serum calcium and potassium (not correctable with supplements), elevated serum phosphorus, vitamin D resistance, muscle cramps, musle soreness, backaches, neck pain, headaches, TMJ, muscle tension and twitches, convulsions, migrane headaches, hearing loss, ringing in ears, hyperactivity, stress disorders, ADHD in children, insomnia, numbness, tingling, agoraphobia, anxiety, depression, suicidal depression, irritability, panic attacks, all - each and every one - are SYMPTOMS of low magnesium. The diseases that are treatable, curable and preventable with magnesium supplementation represent the bulk of "diseases" currently treated with expensive pharmaceutical drugs and hospital treatments. If all Americans supplemented their diets with sufficient magnesium (estimates vary from 150 to 500 mg magnesium supplemental) per day, they believe would result a great reduction in the need for physican and hospital services nation-wide. The main source of magnesium in the American diet 100 years ago when there was much magnesium in our food was wheat, dark green leafy vegetables and nuts. Due to refining wheat, there is little magnesium remaining and people tend to avoid nuts due to their oil content. Most people do not eat enough vegetables. Conseqently, we have a serious culturally-induced magnesium deficiency that adversely affects all of our lives on a daily baises, and costs this country about 10% of its gross domestic product in un-necessary health costs.

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How one simple nutrient can prevent, treat, and help to reverse high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. This important book brings to light an often overlooked but central factor in some of the most prevalent and serious disorders that affect Americans today: magnesium deficiency. Written by a medical doctor and researcher who is considered to be the world's leading expert on the actions and uses of this vital mineral, The Magnesium Factor explains how magnesium deficiencies develop, why they are so widespread, and how they translate into metabolic disruptions that ultimately threaten the health of virtually every bodily system. The author then details how to determine whether you have, or are at risk for, this problem-and what you can do about it. Backed by the latest scientific research, yet written in a clear, accessible style, here is the authoritative source for information on a topic of critical interest for all health-conscious individuals.

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