Tofu & Soymilk Production (Soyfoods Production, 2) Review

Tofu and Soymilk Production (Soyfoods Production, 2)
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This is a great book and can be had at a much better price by puchasing directly from the publisher. If you're really interested in larger scale tofu making, "Soyinfocenter" (look it up) has it for $59.95 + $3 shipping (US mail "slow poke" service).
To find the book, go to their website and just do a search for "production". That's the easiest way. They have all the William Shurtleff/Akiko Aoyagi books on tofu, miso and tempeh shown here on Amazon, and maybe a few more. I haven't compared prices on each book, but you may end up with some savings on others, too. No need to get fleeced by these third party sellers!

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I Never Said Goodbye Review

I Never Said Goodbye
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A well- written book, with great imagery...You can almost see what is going on. Thank you very much for telling me about this, George. The juxtaposition of the narrative and the thoughts of the 'old man' play very well off of each other, adding another layer of depth to the story.
Good luck, George, and once again...Thank you;
-Eric Brodt

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An old man reminisces about his youth when he enlisted in the Air Force, all the people he met, the love of his life - that he lost - and the time he spent as a Presidential Guard in Washington D.C. The book resounds with humor and sorrow.It is a vivid recollection of the 1950's.

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504 Relaxing Bath And Beauty Recipes Review

504 Relaxing Bath And Beauty Recipes
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I don't know who approved this book for publication! ALL of the recipes are split up in ways that are not friendly on the eyes and she advertises in the middle of them adding pointless bulk to the book! You shouldn't be in the middle of a recipe and see page 9 of 198 when you are really on page 5 or the name of the book and her website added every so many lines! Some of the recipes are also repeated, just with new names! For someone with a lot of patience to sit and highlight each title (like I had to since the name may be on one page and the ingredients and instructions may be on another! Also the lack of a table of contents to point you to the "bath" section or index to go find recipes involving a certain ingredient.) then this book is a good way to help you fill up lots of your own free time. (Something most of us don't have a lot of!)

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504 Relaxing Bath and Beauty Recipes: 504 easy and fun ways to relax, enjoy, unwind and beautify your body and your home.Each recipe is simple to make and uses natural herbs, spices, foods and materials found in the home.See how easy it is to turn any home and bath into a luxurious spa!

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Corrosion Science and Technology (Materials Science & Technology) Review

Corrosion Science and Technology (Materials Science and Technology)
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The Talbot's go where Mars Fontana doesn't... This book is not for the person that may be intimidated by material science! A thorough discussion on the thermodynamic aspects yields an in-depth understanding of the Pourbaix diagrams, while the kinetic discussions go well beyond Faraday's Law. Chapters dedicated to specific industries (aviation, automotive, food processing, and building construction) provide additional insight into practical corrosion issues. Despite the highly-theoretical treatment of most corrosion mechanisms, cathodic protection methods are not given adequate coverage for problem solving.

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Corrosion Science and Technology clarifies all the important background material and guides readers in its practical application. This text integrates the chemical, electrochemical, and metallurgical aspects of corrosion control for application in typical contemporary technologies with economical use of resources. The structures of water, oxides, and metals are examined and the characteristics of metals and alloys often specified for corrosion-resistant service are described. This book includes explanations of scientific principles and real world applications and case histories. Extensive information on additional corrosion-related literature is provided to guide readers to sources of more specific information.

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Your Goose Isn't Cooked... Yet Review

Your Goose Isn't Cooked... Yet
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I am really enjoying this book. It has a lot of great sounding recipes (I haven't made any of them yet, but can't wait to start experimenting) plus it contains a lot of great information about why we should and shouldn't eat certain things. I've wanted to get this book for a while now, and I'm glad I finally did!

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This is a WHY TO COOK / nutrition book designed to help you balance your own body chemistry and have fun in the kitchen. Foods that are not appropriate for a healthy chemistry are not found here. ALSO, for the first time ever—HUGGINS' SECRETS! Well, Huggins and a dozen or so scientists and researchers who have been instrumental in actually causing the chemistries to move. The information that is usually given only during Dr. Huggins' lectures on body chemistry is included in mini-chapters throughout the book. YOUR GOOSE ISN'T COOKED...YET! contains over 230 recipes that have been tested to make them taste better than the average health cookbook recipes and contain what is necessary for a healthy body chemistry. Good tasting meals, yes, but the real value is in the explanations of what it takes to really create a healthy chemistry.What do carbohydrates do to your chemistry? How much protein is enough, too much or too little? How do you know? How much salt do you need? What kind? Same for fats. How about fish as a source of protein? Based on what? Valuable information that makes the difference between good health and excellent health is available for the very first time. Now you will know what Dr. Hal A. Huggins recommends after 33 years of balancing body chemistry, and, more importantly—why!

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Fundamentals of Pharmacology: An Applied Approach for Nursing and Health Review

Fundamentals of Pharmacology: An Applied Approach for Nursing and Health
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I purchased this book in order to prepare for a paramedic class that I'll be attending this fall. The book, while several pages long, provides great detail for those who have no previous knowledge in pharmacology. While it is easy to read and understand, you may want to allow at least a month or two in order to understand most of the aspects it discusses. The book may provide more information than is necessary in order to prepare for a paramedic course but it is still provides a great resource to come back.

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Your comprehensive and current introduction to the fascinating field of Pharmacology, applied to Nursing and Health!Now fully updated in line with changes in clinical practice, new drugs and research developments.This clear and readable text will guide you through how drugs act within the body coupled with their clinical application.Sections covering social, legal and professional issues are included alongside the scientific principles of pharmacology.Drug groups are considered according to their pharmacological effects, their action on physiological processes and the conditions they are used to treat.

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Plant Engineers and Managers Guide to Energy Conservation Review

Plant Engineers and Managers Guide to Energy Conservation
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This book is a very good guide to explaining the micro and macroeconomics of energy conservation. The author uses a well thought out progression of chapters; the Role of the Plant Engineer in Energy Management, onto perhaps the most important chapter, Energy Economic Decision Making, which includes sample solved problems. Later chapters progress to electrical system optimization, utility optimization, heat transfer and losses, HVAC systems and cogeneration, and finally the future of energy conservation, where the macroeconomic effect of implementing current technology is discussed. The DOE is currently sponsoring projects in various common industrial processes that consume much of the nations energy, such as petroleum refining, and pulp processing where conservation and the latest technology will shave quads of BTU's off the nation's energy consumption. The early chapters in the book tell how to prioritize the conservation measures in a particular plant, the value of the present expenditures v.s. the future for estimating payback periods. The text is very well written, but it is surprising that a book on its sixth edition should be so full of typos, the grammatical ones can be figured out, but the ones concerning the solved problems should be corrected. A seventh edition with corrections and this would be a 5 star book.

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New edition of an enduring text presenting management techniques and technical strategies to cut energy costs in industrial plants, both new and existing facilities. New chapters detail the expanded role of the plant engineer and manager. Previous edition c1999.--This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.

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Fascinating Health Secrets Review

Fascinating Health Secrets
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Be careful taking some of the information presented here as fact, as the author presents it. In fact, some of his conclusions and points are still in debate, and most certain to change over time with new scientific information.
It's a fool who believes and presents certain information as fact when there exist differing views and a lack of DEFINITIVE proof either way. And its foolish to listen. There are several examples in the book, one being female ejaculation. Absolutely better books with better and more complete discussions on all topics exist. Look elsewhere. This one is a 1/2 true, money maker.

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Fascinating Health Secrets: Intriguing tips on medicine,beauty, health, sleep, nutrition, weight loss, longevity, exercise,brainpower, sexual attraction, and sex.A health book that's packed with information yet is actually enjoyableto readsound impossible?It's not! One television producer was soimpressed with the book and with Dr. Pezzi's style of communicatingthat he's developing a health show featuring the author that will bebroadcast worldwide.Read what some reviewers and readers have saidabout Fascinating Health Secrets!

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Frommer's Florida's Best-Loved Driving Tours Review

Frommer's Florida's Best-Loved Driving Tours
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With a decent guide State guide you won't need this book. Frommer's has two very good Florida Guides that for a few dollars more gives you so much more.
What this guide will give you is 25 Driving tours. You will find the guide useful if you are going to Florida (or live in Florida) have a car, you love to drive, and have free days to follow out the itineraries.
For example the `Dayton Beach' Tour is 3 days and 191 miles. The small map starts out each tour and gives a numbered, stop by stop, clue of what you will see along the route. Each place of interest has a very short description, very short, that provides a very basic insight. Most of the tours found in this guides go in loops, you finish where you started. This is probably not what you wanted to do.
After 4 weeks in Florida, I found myself using the State guides "Frommers" & "Fodors" over and over (see my reviews) and seldom used this guide. In short, the guide is well thought out, colorful, and the very short informational pieces are well written, BUT the usefulness of the guide is not there for me and I doubt if it will be for you. Conditionally recommend.

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Driving is an ideal way to experience the varied scenery and attractions of Florida, and Frommer's Florida's Best-Loved Driving Tours is the only guide you'll need to take along. Author Paul Murphy has put together a spectacular collection of 1-to-5 day driving tours that hit the highlights of Florida.
In the Southeast section, Tour 2 gives you an insider's view of Miami beach with a tour through the pastel buildings of the Art Deco district and a stop at the famous Joe's Stone Crab Restaurant, where the meal that has passed into Florida folklore is stone crabs with mustard sauce, garlic spinach and hash browns. Tour 6 is an in-depth look at Florida's Coral Keys. This tour includes a visit to the John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park Murphy's favorite underwater destination in all of Florida, where you can explore the wrecks and the reef by snorkeling, diving or cruising on a glass-bottomed boat. Tour 6 also includes a stop on Islamorada, which boasts a performing dolphin show as well as the title "Sport Fishing Capital of theWorld".
If you're searching for water and sunshine, the four tours of the Central Gulf Coast are sure to satisfy, with numerous beach stops, a drive along the suspended Sunshine Skyway in the Pinellas and a visit to the warm mineral springs outside of Sarasota. Farther up in Central Florida, Murphy has designed driving tours that hit all the top attractions, both commercial and natural, in the area. All tours are packed with insider tips from the best rides at the Wet N' Wild water park to the dates of the November Light-Up Orlando festival.
You'll enjoy all the top sights and then have the flexibility to enjoy the hidden pleasures of each destination. Our suggested routes include scenic detours and stops for spectacular views, easy walks, shopping, dining, and fun breaks for travelers with children. With dozens of driving tour options, detailed and color-coded maps, and exact, directions, distances and driving times, Frommer's Florida's Best-Loved Driving Tours is the only guide you'll need to see the best of Florida by car.

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Science of Beauty Therapy Review

Science of Beauty Therapy
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As a lecturer of Beauty Therapy; one of the questions students almost always ask me is: `Why do we have to learn about science and anatomy and physiology?' This book answers that question; and makes learning the Science of Beauty Therapy pleasurable. After reading this book students will understand the importance of understanding how the body works in relation to understanding their clients; and creating the best treatment plans for their clients. This book offers the scientific essential underpinning knowledge useful for every Beauty Therapist! I cannot understate how important this knowledge is in providing a solid foundation for practical Beauty Therapy Treatments. This book will I am sure become a classical reference for all Beauty Therapy courses. Highly recommended!

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The new edition of The Science of Beauty Therapy has been thoroughly updated to make it more suitable for today's students. The text covers all the underpinning scientific concepts behind a range of therapy applications (from anatomy and physiology to electrical theory) and how it applies to the relevant equipment. This new edition includes extra material on Diet and Nutrition, Artificial Nails, and Laser Treatment to bring the text up-to-date with the latest developments in beauty and holistic therapies. Ideal for NVQ Level 2/3 and BTEC students, the text includes a variety of questions and activities to further enhance learning.

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Handy at Home: Tips on Improving Your Home from America's Favorite Handyman Review

Handy at Home: Tips on Improving Your Home from America's Favorite Handyman
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"Handy at Home" is an easy and fun read. The tips are extremely useful and I find myself referring to the book often for things ranging from cleaning the coffee pot to troubleshooting my car battery. I recommend it a lot.

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Former Home Improvement star and handyman extraordinaire Richard Karn provides easy solutions to your daily household tribulations in Handy at Home-- a practical and fun guide that will help you conquer any and all common problems with your house. Handy at Home provides easy, step by step solutions to everything from unclogging toilets to installing doors. From tips in the kitchen to tool use definitions, this helpful guide is perfect for all your household needs:Want to paint your home, but abhor the noxious stench of fresh paint?Add some vanilla flavoring to the paint before applying to the walls.Are your squeaking floor boards driving you crazy? Sprinkle talcum powder in the floor cracks and enjoy the reticence. Want your house plants to grow big and strong?Pour a little tea in the pot from time to time. Out of window cleaner? Try using a little vinegar and water to clean those nasty streaks.Afraid of blowing a fuse with your profusion of Christmas lights?Plug ever third string into an extension cord plug.Find these tips and many more all in the new Handy at Home.Also included is a bonus section on home safety.Everything from home security, to childproofing , to detoxing your home can be found in this no-nonsense, to-the-point guide. Join Richard Karn and co-author George Mair, for a practical guide through common household problems.

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The One Best Way?: Breastfeeding History, Politics, and Policy in Canada (Studies in Childhood and Family in Canada) Review

The One Best Way: Breastfeeding History, Politics, and Policy in Canada (Studies in Childhood and Family in Canada)
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The One Best Way? Breastfeeding History, Politics, and Policy in Canada, By Tasnim Nathoo and Aleck Ostry, is an excellent read. It is well written, engaging, and informative to say the least.
Breastfeeding practices are relevant to every single one of our lives. Questions and debates as to "the one best way" to nourish babies have been heatedly discussed and contested over the years. To this day debates about the appropriateness, acceptability, and regulation of breastfeeding are still in the forefront of our daily lives. Given all of this historic and on-going controversy--and the undeniable reality that this topic will surely remain pertinent for many years to come--this book is both fascinating and timely. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and recommend this book to anyone from the casual reader with passing interest, to the avid intellectual engaged in the area of infant feeding.

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In recent years, breastfeeding has been prominently in the public eye in relation to debates on issues ranging from parental leave policies, work−family balance, public decency, the safety of our food supply, and public health concerns such as health care costs and the obesity "epidemic."

Breastfeeding has officially been considered "the one best way" for feeding infants for the past 150 years of Canadian history. This book examines the history and evolution of breastfeeding policies and practices in Canada from the end of the nineteenth century to the turn of the twenty-first. The authors' historical approach allows current debates to be situated within a broader social, political, cultural, and economic context.

Breastfeeding shifted from a private matter to a public concern at the end of the nineteenth century. Over the course of the next century, the "best" way to feed infants was often scientifically or politically determined, and guidelines for mothers shifted from one generation to the next. Drawing upon government reports, academic journals, archival sources, and interviews with policy-makers and breastfeeding advocates, the authors trace trends, patterns, ideologies, and policies of breastfeeding in Canada.

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The Melaleuca Quick Reference, 12th Edition Review

The Melaleuca Quick Reference, 12th Edition
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This is a must have item if you are truly committed to understanding the vast benefits of Melaleuca Oil Usage. This is an awesome book.

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Our most popular booklet, the Melaleuca Quick Reference is a handy companion to our more complete The Melaleuca Wellness Guide book. This booklet answers the most frequently asked questions regarding the use of Melaleuca products. In the 12th edition of the Melaleuca Quick Reference you'll find: A useful Products Index that references the various applications for Melaleuca products. A chapter on the history of tea tree oil. Over 95 health situations with remedies and prevention strategies based on research and the clinical experiences of health care professionals. Over 65 home care problems with solutions recommended by people who use Melaleuca products every day. Over 15 ailments common to dogs and cats with remedies recommended by experienced veterinarians. All in a handy booklet for your purse or planner!

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Hurricane Guide: Be Ready, Be Safe Review

Hurricane Guide: Be Ready, Be Safe
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Hurricane Guide: Be Ready, Be Safe is a no-nonsense, worst-case-scenario guide to preparing for, surviving, and coping with the aftermath of a hurricane. Chapters cover recommended personal inventory and supplies to keep handy in case of emergency, homeowner's insurance concerns, how to evacuate if there is need, financial planning to take into account, what to take when evacuating by car, food and water concerns for after the storm, and much more. Consumable checklists pepper this "must-have", easy-to-use resource highly recommended for anyone living in hurricane territory.

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"HURRICANE GUIDE: Be Ready. Be Safe." is a well-organized book that helps residents prepare for hurricanes. Comprehensive yet concise, the book guides homeowners through the critical stages of a storm's progress-- before, during and after a hurricane. Following the Severe Weather Timeline, the book educates readers about necessary preparations to take inside and outside their home. It also leads them through evacuation, if they choose to do so. Information is provided to prepare children, as well as disabled and elderly family members, and also pets. The reader is instructed on food handling, dealing with mold, securing a boat, essentials to purchase, budgeting for hurricane expenses, hiring a contractor and filing an insurance claim. Home inventory and contact information is also provided. Complete step-by-step guide to assist anyone living in a hurricane zone.

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Plumbing and Piping Systems Inspection Notes: Up to Code Review

Plumbing and Piping Systems Inspection Notes: Up to Code
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The small booklet tried to cover everything but it covers nothing. Don't buy it! There quite a lot books better than this.

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Up to Code: Plumbing and Piping Systems Inspection Notes is an on-the-job "cliff notes" resource, packed with information that will save time and money while ensuring quality. To-do checklists, charts and tables with at-a-glance calculations, who's-responsible-for-what info, and diagrams that clearly illustrate complicated information make it fast and easy for busy building professionals to do their jobs thoroughly and efficiently, and avoid costly mistakes. The books help building pros establish and meet inspection guidelines, and provide clients with schedules and specifications.Each of the Up to Code: Inspection Notes is focused on the IBC (International Building Code), the most widely adopted building code in North America. Plumbing and Piping Systems will also focus on information from International Fuel Gas Code, and the International Plumbing Code.Each guide covers: Responsibility; Authority; Quality Control and Assurance; Plans and Specifications; Shop Drawings; Inspectors Daily Report; Pre-Construction Meeting; Equipment Proposal; Claims; Progress Schedules; Labor Enforcement; Storage of Materials; Contractor's Payment; Rights-of-Way; Record Drawings; Project Turnover; Inspection Files; Recommended Equipment; Inspection; Safety.

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Ten-aciously Green Review

Ten-aciously Green
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This book is full of great tips for reducing your negative impact on the environment as well as practical ways to adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle. This book gets me excited to make a change!!

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If you've heard all the buzz about 'going green" but don't know exactly how to get started, then read Ten-aciously Green.Ten-aciously Green gives easy and practical steps one can take to become more Earth conscious in key areas of your life.This complete lifestyle guide offers easy-to-implement 'green" tips you can use if you are on a budget, in the kitchen, or while flying.You are also able to test your green knowledge and test how green your current lifestyle is.

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Kitchen Design, Installation, and Remodeling Review

Kitchen Design, Installation, and Remodeling
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I've received my book in shorter time and in very good condition.
Thanks for the Seller.

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Kitchens represents the top remodeling opportunity for builders. This professional's guide includes all of the information essential for achieving success in this important niche by staying ahead of the competition. Covering state-of-the-art kitchen products and installation techniques, this skillbuilding tool also provides up-to-the minute details on codes, as well as information on how to build/retrofit to meet or exceed them. All aspects of kitchen jobs are covered, including design, installation, customization, and follow-up. One helpful section tells residential contractors and remodelers how to quickly and effectively train existing staff to work with new materials and techniques.

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