Culligan WSH-C125 Wall-Mount 10,000 Gallon Capacity Filtered Showerhead, Chrome Finish Review

Culligan WSH-C125 Wall-Mount 10,000 Gallon Capacity Filtered Showerhead, Chrome Finish
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I was saving up to buy the Aquasana showerhead filter, trying to rationalize spending $80 on a product just because our water smells a little funky. I researched dillegently about all of my shower-filter options, read all the Amazon and other sites reviews I could find, and while there was a lot of hype about Aquasana, the real user reviews made me question it's durability, value, and also, it wasn't very pretty.
Then I discovered this Culligan shower filter. It's a little bigger than my regular showerhead, but that's more the massage settings than the filtration unit. It's shiny chrome and looks really nice in my shower. It installed in about 3 minutes and has worked beautifully for the last 2 months.
My main reason for buying this was bad smelling water. This filter got rid of all the odors in our tap water (the metallic tap water smell and the super nasty hydrogen sulfide/rotten egg smell that only got worse the hotter the water was). But it's also improved my skin and hair condition. All this time I had thought I had dry skin and damaged hair. But not anymore. I never would have thought to blame the water!
The 5 massage settings are nice, but I find I like the regular spray shower setting. I was worried that a filter may impact my water pressure, but it actually seems to have improved. The highest-pressure setting on this is almost too much pressure, but it might be good for a theraputic massage.
This was a fabulous find for only ~$30. The quality of the showerhead alone would be worth that, even without the added bonus of filtering out all the yucky stuff.

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With the powerful filtration system of the Culligan Level 2 Wall-Mount Showerhead, you can reduce the chemicals in your water for a cleaner shower and softer skin. Featuring an anti-clog rubber spray nozzle and sleek chrome finish, this showerhead offers the choice of five spray settings. The Culligan Wall-Mount Showerhead provides filtration against sulfur, chlorine, and scale for up to 10,000 gallons of water, and it meets NSF standards for water safety.
Reduces Chlorine and Scale Buildup for a Softer ShowerThe Culligan Level 2 Wall-Mount Showerhead offers a refreshing shower experience by reducing harsh chlorine levels and damaging scale buildup. The filtration system removes up to 99 percent of chlorine, as well as the impurities within water that can damage hair follicles and result in dry, itchy scalp. Additionally, by reducing the amount of scale (a hard, filmy residue created by minerals in water), the showerhead is able to give you more of the hydrating nourishment your skin and scalp need.
Five Spray Settings to Suit Your MoodIn addition to offering a cleaner, more nourishing shower, this showerhead offers five spray settings to suit your mood. Choose from a full-body spray for maximum water coverage, to an invigorating pulse for a relaxing muscle massage.
Showerhead Installs in MomentsThis lightweight Showerhead can be installed within minutes using the included Teflon tape. Just wrap the tape around an existing shower arm, and attach the head--no tools are needed. You'll immediately benefit from pure, clean water.
Safe and Long LastingCertified by the NFC, the Wall-Mount Showerhead provides your family with chemical-free showers. In addition, this showerhead effectively filters water for six months--or 10,000 gallons--before it needs changing.
The Culligan Level 2 Wall-Mount Showerhead is backed by a manufacturer's limited five-year warranty.
Culligan Filtration: Providing Families with Clean, Healthy WaterA recognized leader in water filtration and softening products and solutions, Culligan offers filtration and treatment solutions available for all parts of the household. Culligan's drinking-water and working-water filtration systems help solve tough water problems to give you clean, clear water for your entire home.
What's in the BoxOne WSH-C125 wall-mount filtered showerhead; filter change reminder sticker, and Teflon tape.

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I use this in toilets, tub, shower etc. It makes everything smooth and shiny. If you leave it in the toilet bowls for a while and swich it all around the bowl a few times it leaves toilet looking like new.

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Culligan WHR-140 Replacement Shower Filter Cartridge for WSH-C125, HSH-C135, ISH-100 Shower Units Review

Culligan WHR-140 Replacement Shower Filter Cartridge for WSH-C125, HSH-C135, ISH-100 Shower Units
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This shower head filter has made an enormous difference on my skin and hair. I have terrible eczema and extreme dry skin in the winter--I can't tell you how much money I have spent in my life on body wash, moisturizers, etc. But I think all along my biggest problem was the quality of the water. Now I hardly use any moisturizer and can actually use BAR soap...if you have dry skin or eczema, you should know what a coup this is! I can also see a HUGE difference when I take a shower elsewhere, like visiting my mom's--it feels like I have an itchy sweater on when I don't use the filter!

Click Here to see more reviews about: Culligan WHR-140 Replacement Shower Filter Cartridge for WSH-C125, HSH-C135, ISH-100 Shower Units

Replacement cartridge for Culligan WSH-C125 and HSW-C135 / Reduces chlorine and scale for softer, cleaner skin and hair /Reduces sulfur odor

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Culligan FM-15A Level 3 Faucet Filter Review

Culligan FM-15A Level 3 Faucet Filter
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I got my first Culligan faucet filter (FM 15) about 2 years ago after doing quite a bit of research. I finally chose the Culligan over Britta and Pur after reading Consumer Reports regarding their testing of water filters. The Culligan filtered out more impurities and the filter lasted MUCH longer than the others. Best of all it was cheaper back then, I don't know if it still is.
I've been very pleased with the filter with one exception. At my old apartment I had great water pressure. I guess too great for the filter. After about 9 months of use the plastic casing started to leak. The good news is that Culligan warranties the filter so I just took it back to Sears (where I got that one) and they gave me a new one. Thus, I still give it a five even with the problem since they warranty it.

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The Culligan FM-15DIY Faucet Mount Water Filtration System will improve your quality of life you'll want to scream "Hey, Culligan man!" just to thank him for helping to make such healthful, refreshing water available. This do-it-yourself system screw-mounts to your existing water faucet, and comes with everything you need for up to 200 gallons of crisp, clear water.

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8 Inch Filtersorb SP3 No Salt (Salt Free or Saltless) Water Softener Review

8 Inch Filtersorb SP3 No Salt (Salt Free or Saltless) Water Softener
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this water conditioner works great! I have not had it long so will write back in a month or so but we love it... right off notice a difference in the smell of our water...and each glass of water got a lot better in taste smell & looked more clear, I know we have a lot of scale in our system so it will take time to cut that down. We also have had a reverse Osmosis under our sink for a long time and it made an awesome difference in that right away and we thought the Osmosis was good before! now it rocks. We cleaned the scale of our Ice maker/water dispenser before installing & it is no longer leaving that awful far as installation it was good as long as you know what you are doing, otherwise get a plumber. Also, they respond quickly to emails. I had posted that I had not had a response to a question about filters and THEN noticed an email response that I had missed and they helped... so if I could edit that I would! good company.

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Home Master Water Softener Review

Home Master Water Softener
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I purchased a Master NP-20T combination water softener and filter. The price was nearly $1200. The unit softens water and filters well, but that's the end of the positive side. This unit has not worked correctly from day one. Every time it refills the brine tank it overflows. I called the place where I purchased the unit and was told that I should call Master. Ok, great. A call to Master is met with "We don't deal directly with the consumer. Call the location where you purchased the unit." I told them I did and the distributor told me to call them. After a couple of minutes of wrangling I was finally forwarded to a friendly, reasonably knowledgeable man who told me what he thought was wrong and how to fix it. GREAT!..... except it didn't fix the problem...... so, a few days later I call the distributor again and get the same answer, call Master. Arg. Ok, fine.
This time, no go. One woman transfers me to another women who tells me that they can't help me. I told her that the guy I talked to told me to call back if I needed more help. Her response? "We don't do that, call the distributor." Once again, I told her "I just got off the phone with the distributor, they told me, again, to call you." Her response? "I'll call them and tell them to call you."
What good is that supposed to do? They just told me 5 minutes ago that they don't know what's wrong with the unit and I should call YOU!
Anyway, this is the service you get for spending over $1000 on one of their units. I can promise (just as I told them) that they will NEVER get another penny of my money. EVER.

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Watersafe WS425W Well Water Test Kit Review

Watersafe WS425W Well Water Test Kit
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We have well water which we had tested by a local lab a year or two ago. I like to have the water tested regularly, mainly for bacteria, but the local lab charges $100 (if we want lead testing included, it's $200). I ordered this test kit thinking that I'd compare it to the results we got from the lab when we last had our water tested. If anything looked weird or came back abnormal, we'd pay the local lab to test the water.
The tests that I've done so far have given results that are in line with what we were expecting. The local lab gives some directions that I followed when pulling my water samples. They include the following:
1) Use cold water only.
2) For the bacteria test: let your water run for 5 minutes before you take a sample. Don't take a sample from a swivel faucet (commonly found in kitchens). They told me that it's best to take the water sample from the bathroom faucet or tub.
3) For the lead test: Take your sample at a point where the water has been sitting in the pipes for at least 6 hours. They recommended first thing in the morning, before flushing the toilets, etc.
The instructions included with the test kit were fine, but I would have appreciated something a bit more in depth, like those provided by our local lab. Still, this test is a fraction of what the local lab charges, and at least from what I can see, it appears to be fairly accurate.

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We're Just Testing The Waters... Water test before we dip our tongues into it. You might want to, too. Try Watersafe®, a single-use kit made for testing well water that will detect coliform bacteria, pesticides, nitrates, lead, iron, chlorine, copper and hardness. Includes an instruction manual and EPA drinking water standards. Easy to use, with results on the spot.

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Aquasana AQ-4100 Deluxe Shower Water Filter System with Adjustable Showerhead Review

Aquasana AQ-4100 Deluxe Shower Water Filter System with Adjustable Showerhead
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My husband is allergic to chlorine, so a shower filter is an absolute necessity. We've probably tried every filter that the home supply stores carry -- and this one makes all of those look like toy equipment.
It's not that the filters you get at Home Depot don't work. They do; they're certainly an improvement over the hard water we have, not to mention clearing out the chlorine. The thing is, they don't last long. The filters don't last three months, and we've never had the gizmo itself survive for more than a year. Usually, they broke in a dramatic manner, spraying the entire bathroom as they cracked with a loud bang. Depending on the design, they were also awkward to install, especially if you have a non-mundane shower head.
We've had the Aquasana for six months, and I've just bought the first replacement filter for it. This is definitely a significant improvement over those "basic" filters, and it's worth the extra money. The filtering is MUCH better -- I can tell the difference in that "I just feel cleaner" way -- and the filter lasts twice as long. It wasn't a bad installation, either. If you go to the company's Web site, you can also sign up for the filters to be auto-shipped to you, which is a distinct time savings.
Yes, this one costs a little more than the "basic" units you'll find at Lowe's or Home Depot. And it's definitely worth the expense.

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Large Magnetic Water Conditioner - Magnet Water Treatment - No Salt Water Softener Review

Large Magnetic Water Conditioner - Magnet Water Treatment - No Salt Water Softener
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We used a system like these in Albuquerque to help with scale buildup on faucets and it worked. We had two big magnets buried applied to our water coming into the house, and two smaller magnets on the interior feed to the hot water heater to protect it too, for a total of two big and two smaller magnets.

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WATER SOFTENER (Flint Walling/Star S07EC24) Review

WATER SOFTENER (Flint Walling/Star S07EC24)
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You get what you pay for. Lots of plastic; I doubt this unit will last too long. It does seem to work okay now.

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Aquios Full House Water Softener and Filter System Review

Aquios Full House Water Softener and Filter System
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I'm not sure how someone can give such a poor review for a product they don't even own. My family and I have had the Aquios in our house for a little over a year now and it's wonderful! It has kept my sinks, showers and tubs cleaner cutting down on my amount of house cleaning. The build up on our shower heads and glass is now gone. I also don't have to spend money on a fridge filter. I love this product and highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a full house water system!

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Aquasana Whole House Water Filter System Rhino EQ-300 3yr 300,000 gallon Review

Aquasana Whole House Water Filter System Rhino EQ-300 3yr 300,000 gallon
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I had the Rhino EQ-300 installed a couple of years ago and the unit has been working flawlessly ever since. The water taste is excellent. Our water is now odorless. I would recommend this product to anyone wants to improve their water quality. I follow the manufacturers recommendation to change the pre-unit Filter candles once every 6 months. This does seem necessary as there is quite a bit of muck that gets trapped by the pre-filter candles. Make sure you have spare o-rings and silicon grease when you buy the unit. Check to ensure that the pre-unit's filter housing's o-ring properly installed or else you could end up with a leak. My unit runs perfectly dry and drip free. While replacing the filter candles (every 6 months), you would need to turn off the inlet valve and turn on an the taps in you home ( only cold water taps!!) to empty the water pipes or else the back-pressure will prevent you from opening the filter unit. Even if you did manage to open it, you could end up with very wet floors! The unit is installed in my garage where my main water inlet was accessible. You may need to replace your pressure main valve just to ensure the input water pressure is not too high. You could loose some water pressure in your showers when you install the unit.

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WaterBoss Water Softeners - 22,000 Grain Capacity, Model# 700 Review

WaterBoss Water Softeners - 22,000 Grain Capacity, Model# 700
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I installed a Waterboss 900 model about 4 years ago, and what a mistake! The unit has quit working sometime over the last year, of course it has a 3 year warranty. You cna forget calling "custome support"! What a bunch of know-nothings. I called 4 times and got a different "fix-it" scenario each time, and I tried them all to no avail. I wrote them an email explaining my dissatifcation with their product and got a call from a rep. They could not care less, an were not about to give me any leeway on fixing it, even though it was just 6 mths out of warranty when I first called.
dO YOURSELF A FAVOR: FORGET WATERBOSS! Go with another product!

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nuvoH2O Home Complete Salt-Free Water Softening System Review

nuvoH2O Home Complete Salt-Free Water Softening System
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We bought this product with the intention that with the money back offer we would be in the same place if it didn't work. WOW!!
Were we wrong about it not working. We read all the different reviews and agree that the review timelines seemed a "little suspect". We couldn't be happier that we were proven wrong. The unit came in 4 days from time order was placed, was easy to install ( minor plumbing skills required). When we first put the water on we could feel a difference in the water, we called a neighbor over that has been in our neighborhood for 15 years and has dealt ad nauseam with the hard water in our area. She was amazed at water coming out of the tap, she asked if she could wash her hair in the sink!!!! She did and said that her hair hasn't felt that good since she was on vacation . As far as the claims that it helps clear residual build up in shower heads and faucet heads, well again we were amazed. The shower head in our bath has always had a few "sprayers" that dribbled water. In the span of one week the shower is spraying out of all "sprayers" and giving us the best shower our tankless water heater ever gave us!!!! The biggest thing we have noticed is that the water feels better on our skin, hair, clothes, and dishes are coming cleaner (no spots). I am a contractor and I prefer to use new products ( tankless water heaters, dual flow toilets, etc.) on my own home before I recommend any "new technology" to anyone. I can say in my opinion this product works and works well !!! The company has great customer service and I was very pleased with the purchase. hope this helps anyone looking for a solution to hard water issues.

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Metered water softener with 3/4" Autotrol 255/460i control, 48,000 grain capacity with by-pass valve Review

Metered water softener with 3/4 Autotrol 255/460i control, 48,000 grain capacity with by-pass valve
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We needed a new water softener. I didn't want another one from the big box stores (been through 2 of those... they have a limited life span). Yet, when I had one of the big name softener companies in their products started at over $2000. So, I started to research the Internet. I found that there only a few companies that make almost all the parts for softeners (Autotrol - owned by GE, Fleck, and Clack). Before I made my decision, I called CAI Technologies and asked some questions. They were great. Spent plenty of time on the phone with me; even though I told them I was going to buy the product through Amazon. You can get this unit with either a Autotrol or Fleck controller (I got the Autotrol). Delivery was neat. There were 4 boxes total. One had the softener tank itself, second had the brine tank with the controller and all other parts inside. The third and fourth had the resin that you add to the softener before screwing on the controller. During the installation I had a couple of questions, so I called CAI again. They had a "Tech" call me back within 10 min. and he talked me through all of my issues. And the best part, I saved a ton of money. You know the price of the softener. On top of that I had less than $30 in pipe and fittings (would have been less but I used high pressure hot water heater flexible hoses), and the cost of the 6 bags of salt for the brine tank.

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WaterBoss Water Softener - 36,400 Grain Capacity, Model# 900 Review

WaterBoss Water Softener - 36,400 Grain Capacity, Model# 900
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The time had come for me to replace the old water softener. I went to Menards and immediately was impressed with the Water Boss brand due to it's low profile design and implied superior quality. Oh was that last part a mistake!
Installation was easy, programming was easy, life was wonderful until months later when it started beeping. The error code indicated a problem with the timer motor that operates the mechanism (while this is demand sensing, an electronically activated timer motor is still the method of mechanically working the unit - no issue here). So I pull the controller off and indeed see that the timer motor has failed. Pull the moter, check the serial number and, uh, oh ooooohhhhh...... Houston, we have a problem!
The paper serial number label, which is on the valve itself, is not resistant to salt dust! It was very hard to read, and upon wiping it with a dry cloth, all the numbers wiped right off. Now the date stamp on the motor was just months old, so I called and explained my situation. Water Boss could not have cared less. My 3 year warranty was useless due to their poor labeling system. "What credit card do you wish to use....."
Fast forward to many months later. After resetting my unit to delay regeneration and turning off the salt-gobbling 96 hour max run time, I noticed hard water one day, and the "days remaining" was still 11. IOW it was not sensing my usage, and indeed the water flow icon was not moving despite having the washer filling up. A quick inspection reveals that the ribbon cable from the hall effect sensor for the water flow turbine has corroded at the controller connection. DUH! This is clearly a product defect. Yet it will be out of pocket again since my 3 year warranty is useless. Hmmm - I wonder how much THIS under 3 year old part will cost me?
Do yourself a favor, just avoid this brand. Older units may be the picture of reliability, but I've read too many bad comments about the new units and poor customer service - a real eye opener when you, like me, have experienced the same fate.

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Morton Salt Company 34M Wtr Softener Unit Msd34c Water Conditioner Review

Morton Salt Company 34M Wtr Softener Unit Msd34c Water Conditioner
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I haven't bought a softener in about 15 years when we owned another house. This system is one unit like most of them. The tank and brine container are in the same unit.
This was very easy to install. Our house had the plumbing for an older one which was removed when we bought the house. From the time I got the box to the basement we had this up and running in about an hour. It popped right into place.
The discharge hose comes with clamps that hold it onto the discharge pipe. However I ended up using a hose clamp only because I felt more comfortable with it.
After I turned the unit on, I was a little concerned because when hitting the recharge cycle it was filling up with water. I haven't had one in so long I called Morton to make sure it was doing it correctly.
I wasn't on hold at all. I called the 800 number and pushed one button to let them know it was about a water softener and I was on with a live person. They let me know it was normal and that was the end of it.
It's now working just fine, I'll be sure to add any other comments if something goes wrong with it. Great softener for the price.

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