Chemistry (DK Eyewitness Books) Review

Chemistry (DK Eyewitness Books)
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Through the Eyewitness books, you can discover facts about chemistry, the traditions of ancient alchemy and the technology of today. Dr. Ann Newmark takes the reader on a journey through time and explores chemistry in the ancient world.
This is so much more than a book with chemistry lessons from a class, it is an exploration of history and explanation of chemical substances.
Chemistry in the Kitchen will make cooking more fun as you learn about yeast mixtures or find out what makes oranges orange.
Fun Facts:
A Spider's silk is stronger than a thread of similar thickness made of steel.
Glass may have been made in Egypt around 3000 BC by fusing sand, soda and lime.
Sage and Rosemary help to preserve foods
Bicarbonate of Soda can relieve the pain from a bee sting, but you would need
vinegar for a wasp sting (interesting reasons explained).
Subjects: The first chemists, elements, atoms and molecules, compounds, the periodic table, metals, nonmetals, air, burning reactions, noble gases, chemical reactions, oxidation and reduction, acids and bases, forming salts, electricity and chemistry, chemistry of carbon, organic synthesis, synthetic materials, chemical analysis and the chemical industry.
A timeline is helpful for understanding the context and a glossary gives more detailed information about ideas presented in this book.
~The Rebecca Review

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Chemical processes have always been part of life. They enable our bodies to function and are the basis of countless substances and processes we take for granted. This intriguing book explores the world's natural chemistry - how we understand and exploit it.From the first use of fire, people have practiced chemistry to produce food and drink, tan leather, make dyes for clothes and cosmetics, work metals, and produce glass and pottery. Today, chemicals help to purify our water, improve agriculture, and manufacture drugs, synthetic fabrics, and plastics. Our growing knowledge of the Earth's elements, the properties of atoms and DNA, and how substances interact has resulted in many new technologies, products, and scientific advances.With stunning demonstrations of key experiments and ideas, Chemistry is a fresh and exciting introduction to the discoveries that have shaped and revolutionized our way of life.

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