Running a Bed & Breakfast For Dummies Review

Running a Bed and Breakfast For Dummies
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I have been an Innkeeper and now an Inn Consultant for 15 years. One of the things on my to do list was to put together all of my thoughts and blog articles into a book on Innkeeping which updated all of the prior ones that are no longer available. Now I am just thrilled that Mary White has written the definitive work on Innkeeping, and, of course, now I don't have to do it.
We tell our prospective innkeepers in our Seminars on Innkeeping a lot of the information that Mary has compiled, but here it is all in one place and easily accessible to everyone. Nothing left out and a clear understanding that Innkeeping is a 24/7 job with a lot of sacrifices. It is not retirement, and it is not Bob Newhart in a cardigan sweater. Mary lays it all out for the reader, clearly and with all of the downsides, as well as the joys of sharing your lives as innkeepers with some of the greatest guests that you could every hope to meet. We always said that they came as guests and left the Inn as friends. Mary has shown us all the way to do this effortlessly and with good humor.
This book will be a must read for innkeepers and prospective innkeepers alike. Great job, Mary!

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All the tools you need to start and run a profitable B&B

Do you dream of owning a B&B? This friendly, practical guide shows you how to make your dream a reality, with expert advice on everything from writing a business plan and finding the right location to handling situations you will encounter as an innkeeper. You'll make your guests feel at home, keep your inn in tip-top shape, and ensure your long-term success!

Understand B&B basics - get an overview of the business and see if you have the skills (and the desire!) to succeed

Find a place to call home - choose the location, style, and size of your ideal B&B

Transition from visitor to owner - create your business plan, secure financing, make an offer, and protect your investment

Get ready for your guests - organize your recordkeeping, set room rates and policies, furnish your inn, and market your services

Set the breakfast scene - decide the style of breakfast to offer, accommodate guests' needs and restrictions, create signature dishes, and serve refreshments and snacks

Handle day-to-day operations - take reservations, make your guests feel welcome, hire employees, and maintain your inn

Take your business to the next level - assess your success, expand your market, increase profit, and prevent burnout

Open the book and find:

How to transition an existing B&B or start from scratch

The biggest problems new B&Bs encounter - and how to avoid them

The best ways to furnish your inn

Tips for saving time cleaning and preparing breakfast

What you must know to design and update your Web site

Tried-and-tested sample menus and recipes

Ways to guarantee a return guest

How to get extra help when you need it

Buy Now

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