The Handbook of Natural Plant Dyes: Personalize Your Craft with Organic Colors from Acorns, Blackberries, Coffee, and Other Everyday Ingredients Review

The Handbook of Natural Plant Dyes: Personalize Your Craft with Organic Colors from Acorns, Blackberries, Coffee, and Other Everyday Ingredients
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Sasha Duerr's The Handbook of Natural Plant Dyes is a warm-hearted and generous book which swiftly ushers the reader into the world of useable color that is already at our fingertips. As it turns out, dye-making that's good for the earth is also the simplest, most direct and easiest way to create color. In addition to being packed with dye recipes using ingredients you can find in your kitchen, back alley-way or any other gone-to-seed urban area, the Handbook is a fully-illustrated manual for sustainable living at its most sensual and joyful, and a comprehensive introduction to the Slow Textiles movement, in which Duerr is a key player. Her scrupulous attention to all aspects of the color-making process and how it affects our health and the health of our beloved planet provides us with an abundance of useful and unexpected tidbits and activities, like how to build a solar oven out of cardboard and aluminum foil, how to plant a space-efficient spiral dye-plant garden, and how to felt your own laptop case out of wool fresh off the sheep! When you pull on the threads at the edges of this book, you find yourself seamlessly integrated into a whole way of life, one where color and clothing and food and community relationships all flow together in delightful and mutually beneficial ways.
This is absolutely the best manual to have whether you're a beginner or a seasoned dyer in search of a healthier and more holistic dye practice.

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