The Cure for All Diseases Review

The Cure for All Diseases
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I've known about this book for years, since it came out, but I was always turned off by the hideously new-agey cover and the similarly crackpot sounding title. I read extensively about health and alternative medicine, but am very critical of all new-agey approaches that emphasize the idea that the source of illness is spiritual or psychological (not that this is not possible, but I believe it is rare - not at all the cause of the vast majority of illnesses).
I'm not sure what compelled me to finally buy the book, maybe curiosity. But I was surprised and delighted to find that it is based on physical, biological issues in the body (namely, toxins and parasites). The methods of ridding the body of these disease-causing elements are both eccentric (using electricity) and traditional (herbal formulas).
I have not built the infamous zapper yet, but out of curiosity I might, since I am familiar with some of the other uses of electricity in medicine (eg, the Rife machine), and know it has benefitted people in those circumstances. So far I have found the pet parasite elimination program very helpful, as well as the mold-reducing hygiene tips (soak grains and dried fruit in vitamin c solution to de-mold them - and they taste so much better! non-soaked items now taste musty to me).
My caveat is the following: I was compelled to do some research on this book, and on Hulda Clark. (I am a professional researcher working on a PhD in the humanities, so it's my instinct to check resources as best I can). What I have discovered so far is this: I have read that Hulda Clark died recently (though I haven't confirmed the details on this), and that she seems to have signed off certain rights to a person by the name of David Amrein, who is now the president of the "Dr. Hulda Clark Research Association." The problem I have is that David is a MBA-weilding Scientologist (this is confirmed by several sources, including a Scientologist-run website), and is using the methods of Scientology to profit off of Hulda's work, and is implementing questionable marketing tactics in the manner of aggressive, multi-level marketing style ploys that the Scientologists traditionally engage in, and in effect is destroying the potential for integrity and recognition that this work might otherwise be able to attain.
What this means is that when you try to do a search on Hulda Clark, you get dozens if not hundreds of websites that are all marketing stuff - stuff that is not necessary to purchase (Hulda has instructions on building the necessary equipment yourself at hardly any cost, and the herbs are all available from any herbal medicine supplier). The whole work of Dr. Clark's is sadly going through a major cult-branding (to see this dynamic on another - although toxic - substance, run an internet search on Klamath lake blue-green algae, and you'll see a similar pattern. And there are numerous products out there that are traceble back to Clearwater, Florida, and Scientology marketing gimmiks). There is no record that Dr. Clark herself was a Scientologist, and by the absence of marketing in her work it seems she was not.
This is unfortunate, because this kind of marketing is misleading, and clogs up internet search engines for people trying to do legitimate research on a product.
If you do do research, note you will also find information written by anti-alternative medicine people and organizations (quackwatch) about the "scandalous" fact that Dr. Clark had a medical degree from a correspondence school. So what? Her previous graduate education was accredited. She's a trained researcher, whether or not she's a licenced doctor. Many MDs are ivy-leage certificated, but morons when it comes to healing people. I base my judgement on the integrity of the research in relation to other work in the field (ie, alternative medicine), as well as on it's ability to affect positive change in my own biological existence, which this work has. It's just a shame that it's been turned into a marketing monster.

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All diseases have simple explanations and cures once their true cause is known. Doctor Hulda Clark explains the causes of both common and extraordinary diseases and gives specific instruction for their cure through natural remedies and an electrical device you can build at home. 4 cassettes.

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