Toddler 411: Clear Answers & Smart Advice For Your Toddler Review

Toddler 411: Clear Answers and Smart Advice For Your Toddler
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My wife and I were recently blessed with the placement of three beautiful children (ages 2, 3 & 6) through Children's Protective Services. Having never been parents before, we were initially overwhelmed with the responsibility and chaos. We spent several tearful evenings wondering if we were cut out for the challenges of child-rearing.
After a particularly bad temper tantrum by the 2 year old, I left the house in desperation. I spent the afternoon at the nearest bookstore and browsed a stack of over 20 books in search of the elusive "perfect resource". My search concluded when I picked up a copy of "Toddler 411". This book stood head and shoulders above any other book I had browsed... it was the crème on top of the coffee! It was the perfect parenting resource.
Since purchasing "Toddler 411" we have referred to the book on a near daily basis. From constipation to ear-aches, this book has provided an answer for EVERY question we have thrown at it. I highly recommend this book to all parents. In particular, I strongly recommend this book to new adoptive parents of toddlers. For them, this book should be required reading. It is the "Instruction Manual" our case worker forgot to give us.

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You've made it! Your baby has turned one! Now the real fun begins. From temper tantrums to toilet training, raising a toddler brings its own set of challenges and questions — and Toddler 411 has the answers. Following on the heels of the best-seller Baby 411, Toddler 411 bottles the wisdom of parents who've "been there, done that" . . . and combines it with solid medical advice from an award-winning pediatrician. Inside, you'll learn: • The truth about The Terrible Twos—and how to raise a well-behaved child without going insane.• Picky Eaters—learn how to cope . . . and convince your child to eat something besides Goldfish crackers.• Toilet train your toddler in just one day. No, that's not a typo—learn the Zen of Toilet Training, when to start and how to make it work.• What's normal—and what's not when it comes to your toddler's growth and development. Spot the early clues for autism and other red flags.• Simple steps and smart advice to avoid environmental hazards. The most up-to-date, evidence-based health info for you and your toddler! This new 3rd is revised and expanded with new content:

1. Revamped discipline chapter. What to say and how to say it for specific "teaching moment" situations and ages.2. Expanded development section. Checklists to track your child's development for each well-child visit (know what your doc is going to ask you and what you should be seeing for each development stage.)3. Additional advice on nutrition. More tricks to satisfy your nutrition goals and your picky eater.4. Sleep. Expanded "how-to" tips--if your kid isn't sleeping through the night yet and you really need help!5. Vaccines. Updated with the latest greatest controversies and scientific research on childhood immunizations.

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