The Simple Guide To Planted Aquariums Review

The Simple Guide To Planted Aquariums
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I've kept planted aquariums for a number of years, but was intrigued by this book because one of the co-authors is a well-known advocate of low-tech planted tanks.
The format of this book is VERY nice. The writing is friendly and inviting, and there are lots of pretty full color photos. Personally, I didn't learn a whole lot of new information, but it was a pleasant read nonetheless. I would certainly recommend it to someone just entering the hobby, or someone looking for an overview on planted tanks, especially if they're seeking some guidance on what type of planted tank is the best fit for them - high tech, low tech, biotope, etc. All around, a very good presentation, and an excellent invitation to exploring planted aquariums!

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Gardeners and fishkeepers alike are enthralled by the intricate beauty of planted aquariums. Today's aquarium technology is making more and more complicated arrangements easier than ever to maintain. An aquarium of beauty and diversity is yours with the "simple" but thorough instructions outlines in The Simple Guide to Planted Aquariums. In it you'll discover:-Which plants are suitable for which types of arrangements.-How to plan and cultivate your sunken garden.-Whether to introduce fish- and which kinds.-How to identify and solve common problems with minimal disruption.

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