Business Models Made Easy Review

Business Models Made Easy
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I loved this book. It is short, simple, but it gets its points across. It is about the business startup process: From concept, to plan, to building. The goal of this book was to show the reader:
1. What a business concept or model is.
2. Explain how to evaluate a business concept so it can realistically make good money.
3. How to write a business plan in order to build the business concept or model.
A good business concept or model will rate favorably regarding the following 6 criteria (Debelak, page 4):
1. Acquire high value customers - favorable condition: without spending a lot of money
2. Offer significant value to customers - favorable condition: having a significant value to customers - favorable condition: having a significant competitive advantage.
3. Deliver products or services with high margins - favorable condition: with high quality and few opportunities for error.
4. Provide for customer satisfaction - favorable condition: service and training, if needed, provided by someone else.
5. Maintaining market position - favorable condition: market position is protected or a steady stream of new products or services can be maintained.
6. Funding the business - favorable condition: investments reasonable for market size and risk both for startup costs and for market maintenance.
As I read this book I thought the author did a wonderful job explaining what a business model was, how to diagram one, and how to evaluate the diagram in terms of soundness and profitability using the six criteria listed herein above. Chapter 3 was good because it outlined business models for 18 different companies. Chapter 9 was great because it examined the analysis process for all three generic types of companies: retail, manufacturing, and services. And Chapter 10 was great because it tied the Business Concept (business model) idea to the Business Plan (action steps) idea that is necessary to actually convert the model into reality.
Why is this such a good book? Because you should want to develop a winning business model BEFORE you write your business plan. You can start a business that can only hope to make minimal profits. Or you can start a business that can make loads of profits. Without understanding the business model behind your startup BEFORE you start it you won't know what kind of profits you will be working for. And you should care a lot about what kind of profits you are going to work for when considering the effort you have to put out in order to research and write the business plan and actually start the business by following the plan. 5 stars!
PS. What I don't understand is why the plethora of business plan books on the market today have not covered business models as well as business plans? The two subjects are intimately related and understanding models is integral to write a plan that will produce a profitable company.

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Don't Just Plan-Zero In on a Winning Business Model!

Before you write a business plan, before you start marketing, before you look for funding, you should develop the most important tool in your business arsenal: a business model.A great business model sets amazing successes apart from failures.

Don Debelak reveals how to create a winning business concept, develop a business plan around it, and turn it into a successful business venture.

Whether you're starting a new business or looking to revitalize an existing operation, you'll learn:
What a model is, why it's important, how it works and how it can improve your business
How to maximize your chances of success with an easy-to-use scoring system
How to use your business model to increase your chances of receiving funding
Strategies for using your model to write a business plan that really works

Take your business to the height of success with this can't-miss strategy.

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