Mexico's Lake Chapala and Ajijic: The Insiders Guide Review

Mexico's Lake Chapala and Ajijic: The Insiders Guide
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and I've been using this guide ever since it came out. As a matter of fact, I have two copies; one at home, and one in my truck for use when I'm out and about. In this area we refer to the guide as "the bible", and many of us refer to it quite frequently.
A previous reviewer may have left the impression that much of the information in this book came from the website "Mexconnect", and I must take issue with that assertion. Anyone who knows anything about the qualifications of the writers involved in this project can tell you that these are people of the highest integrity and scholarship. Their contributions to Teresa's book are based on their own experiences, their own explorations of the area, their own face-to-face interviews with local business owners and govermental officials, and their own familiarity with the services and providers who make living in this area such a pleasure. If, as the anonymous reviewer says, most of the information in this book can be found on "Mexconnect" (a site I'm very familiar with) I'd certainly be interested in where it's located, since I've been unable to find it.
I've read many of the city and area guides offered by the large publishing houses, and I've read the few local guides published by residents of the cities of which they write. Let me assure you that Mexico's Lake Chapala and Ajijic stands head and shoulders above any that you might choose for comparison. This guide is the most user friendly book I've ever seen. The table of contents and the index lead you quickly and easily to any subject in which you have an interest, and the content is first-rate, offering an incredibly complete listing of all the services you could ever need. I challenge anyone to find a listing or compilation that even comes close to the breadth and accuracy of this book. You could search "Mexconnect", along with every local Lakeside publication, and not be able to find even a small portion of the information contained within the 209 pages of Teresa's guide.
I've been in and out of Mexico since the early 60's, I've lived and worked in several cities down here, and I can truthfully say that I've never before seen a book that provides the area visitor such a complete and accurate guide to gracefully and easily moving about a specific place. In additional to an outstanding listing of places to eat, places to stay, and places to purchase any and all personal items you may need, the guide offers insights into local customs and mores, a bit of essential Spanish language, and a number of interesting and informative tidbits designed to make the traveler look and feel like a local resident, rather than a tourist. The vast majority of the information presented in this book has never before been published-in either English or Spanish.
Lest you think that I'm overly effusive in my opinion of this book and it's author, let me tell you that after seeing this classy book, the officials of the State Ministry of Tourism of the State of Colima approached her to write a guidebook for their area. She is also currently researching a book for another respected author, as well as editing a first effort of another area writer. I'd say those were pretty impressive endorsements of her abilities and knowledge.
Trust me on this folks, this is the rare book that delivers much more than the purchaser might expect. As you might be able to guess, I strongly urge you to buy The Insider's Guide. As a matter of fact a visiting couple that I ran into in one of our local bookstores bought a copy after I showed them how useful it was. Again, I suggest that you do the same.

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Mexicos Lake Chapala and Ajijic: The Insider's Guide is the greatly expanded successor to the 2000 edition. It provides an intimate, comprehensive look at this fascinating region of Mexico, and includes the villages along the Northshore of Lake Chapala, including Jocotepec. A whole new book, this guide is often referred to by locals as the bible.

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