Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea Review

Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea
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I am a general user of computer systems, and not schooled in nanoscience at all. What a relief to see that there's a book out there that can explain this emerging field to me! Not only is the book easy to read, it's fascinating, with a review of in-depth nan inventions, business aspects, and a general review of chemistry which is great because I had forgotten how it all fits together.
I would recommend this book to the average user that wants to know about this science-it is really easy to read and it makes the entire science clear-I was not aware of the science before this except for general rumors of nanobots. It is a refreshing look at a science that has, until now, been under-reported.

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In Nanotechnology: A Gentle Introduction to the Next Big Idea, nanotech pioneer Mark Ratner and tech entrepreneur Daniel Ratner show how nanotech works, what's new, what's next, and why nanotech may be the next $1 trillion industry. They survey every area of R&D: nanobots, quantum and DNA computing, nanosensors, biostructures, neuro-electronic interfaces, molecular motors, and much more. Simple, brief, and nearly math-free, this is the perfect briefing on nanotech technology and business for every non-technical reader.

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