The Wellness Project: A Rocket Scientist's Blueprint For Health Review

The Wellness Project: A Rocket Scientist's Blueprint For Health
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The author of this book goes to great lengths defining what the scientific process is and how terribly inadequate it has been in this country in the medical and nutritional fields, and the reasons that is so.
His book is packed with well compiled data, presented with supporting science when available, and he is also careful to label what is hypothesis and what has only some degree of research behind it. He gives his judgments about the status of the scientific backing and constantly points out areas of hypothesis for which scientific testing would be a welcome project, needing only funds to proceed. In some cases he has already started scientific testing through his own university grants.
His section on detoxing is worthy of being a whole other book by itself. He goes into great detail about the intricate and complex field of detoxification--more so than any other source I have ever seen. And he is generous with the details of his own personal health experiments--the failures and the successes.
He presents his ideas about what constitutes a healthy diet as hypothesis, based on nature and supported by his own experiences and those of others interested in experimenting with the ideas presented. I am eager to become an early contributor to this group with the experience of following his dietary and detox ideas.
One of his hypotheses is that many vegetables come with their own protective toxins from nature. It is fascinating to follow his logic of how it is that some vegetables are often toxic and fruits not so. The logic is there, he presents a good case, and it would be of great interest to see additional scientific research in this area. In my case I intend to make my own experiment of one to find out for myself what works, using the guidelines set forth in the book.
I am grateful to the author for having written this book as it seems to me to offer a great resource to anybody wanting to study and research health and wellness for themselves. I have bought several copies to give away.

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The author, a NASA spacecraft designer, inventor, lawyer, entrepreneur, and holistic health practitioner, embarked on a twenty year research project to determine how the human body could remain healthy for the longest possible time. You do not need a background in science to understand The Wellness Project because it is based on common sense, backed by more than 350 references. The diet section of the book does not resemble any diet in print, and yet is backed by the largest "clinical study" in human history. Read about the one diet that works for all human beings and is nature's solution to an omnivore's dilemma.Find out why eating three kinds of "dirt" can be important to maintain your health, and how certain types of emotional detoxification can speed up the removal of physical toxins from our body. This book also includes sections on lifestyle and our environment, proving that staying healthy is not rocket science!

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