What Peace There May Be: A Memoir Review

What Peace There May Be: A Memoir
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This book is beautifully written. How Susanna Barlow is able to make the writing itself, as well as the "characters" and "story", hold sway over and above our facination with polygamy is testimony to the power of this memoir. The book so envelopes you with young Susanna's life, with her love and pain, with her struggle to know her own worth and realize her truth in the midst of abuse and neglect, that you feel as if you lived through it with her, that she is forever a part of you. This is literature--beautiful, poignant, set on the razor's edge of emotion. If you read this book, you won't be sorry. I eagerly await the sequel.

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Young Susanna doesn't know anything other than the family environmentthat has been created for her—a system without regard for society orman's laws. Raised in a sequestered home in a busy city neighborhood,everything beyond the front gate is off-limits.

The isolation proves to be a breeding ground for abuse, and Susannastruggles to reconcile her desire to escape and her need to belong. Thebook recounts six critical years in Susanna's life as she comes to termswith her conditions.

This coming-of-age story is as much a testament to survival as it is tosurrender. Pushed to the limits of her coping abilities, Susanna triesanything she can to bring about the peace that seems always out of reach.

In an impulsive moment and an act of daring she contacts a newspaperjournalist and finds herself in a predicament she never before considered.That decision becomes the impetus that propels her finally to where shewants to be and to find what was always there.

In this honest memoir, the author conveys the deep struggles she mustface to navigate her unusual childhood and to overcome obstacles ofabuse as well as the isolation that polygamy requires. It is a journey thatchallenges the strength of hope and proves that the smallest acts can wieldthe mightiest power.

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