Rattlers & Snappers: Reptiles, Amphibians, and Outlaws Review

Rattlers and Snappers: Reptiles, Amphibians, and Outlaws
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The book is well researched, informative and well written. Definitely a most have in your turtle and reptile collection.

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Rattlers & Snappers is a must-have book for anyone interested in reptiles and amphibians, but it's more than that. No other book contains such an eclectic mix of natural history, husbandry, harvest, taxidermy, and tales. This book discusses the life history of fascinating animals such as rattlesnakes, snapping turtles, and hellbenders. It teaches you how to handle and keep snakes and how to raise rats, mice, and bugs. It presents the firsthand accounts of noted naturalists and legendary wardens along with tales of outlaws and reptile poachers. It also offers techniques on catching and cooking turtles and on preserving the dead. This book was written for the Conservation Officers of Pennsylvania Association (COPA). All royalties from the sale of this book are used to support youth environmental education programs.

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