A Nuclear Engineer in the Twentieth Century Review

A Nuclear Engineer in the Twentieth Century
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I'm glad this book exists because there are not others like it, but I cannot give it an enthusiastic recommendation. I'm going to study nuclear engineering and I wanted to read the history of the nuclear industry. Kupp tells you a lot about the history, but it is sandwiched between the rest of Kupp's life story. If you want to read Robert William Kupp's autobiography, here it is. If you want a history of the development of nuclear power in America, read the middle third only. (If someone knows a better book, please let me know!)
One last thing: This book is chock full of typos and plain bad English. It is also chopped up into little vignettes. It's not smooth reading.

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WW-II A-Bomb development, post-war civilian power, nuclear safety and societal risk/benefit analyses, are all part of Mr. Kupp's long contribution to the industry, plus an engineer's life in the 20th Century.

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