Living Safe in an Unsafe World: The Complete Guide to Family Preparedness Review

Living Safe in an Unsafe World: The Complete Guide to Family Preparedness
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I first borrowed this book from the library and found it so useful I bought it from Amazon. I live in the Washington, D.C. area and felt very unprepared for emergencies in the aftermath of September 11. This guide helps you create a family emergency plan and give you tips on keeping safe in more routine situations. Particularly useful was their suggestion of a disaster supplies kit, which I now have. Some items in the kit were predictable--like a first aid kit, but others were not and make a lot of sense like a NOAA emergency radio, list of key addresses and contacts, extra prescription medications etc. While I don't expect to need it for an evacuation or terrorist emergency, these are supplies I would need in other emergencies from power outtages to storms etc. They recommend that you pack this in a carryall and take with you on trips as well.
Also useful was the idea of a family emergency plan--places to meet outside your home in case of an emergency. This would have been very useful on September 11 when all phone and cell phone lines in this area were busy and roads were clogged while people didn't have alternate ways to get home.
Other useful topics are in areas such as fire emergency, food related dangers, weather related disasters, dangerous encounters with animals and insects and a great chapter on home related emergencies.
I think every home should have a reference book like this one.

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Whatever emergency comes your way, Living Safe in an Unsafe World is your guidebook on how your family can survive it. You'll read about how to prepare for emergencies by developing "situational awareness," investigating insurance coverage, posting emergency numbers, designating family "safety spots," traveling safely, and more...."The American Red Cross believes that everyone should be prepared for any possible disruption in their daily lives that may be caused by disasters, from a home fire to something that affects the entire community. The content of this book can help you and your family be more prepared and safer should disaster strike. Most steps recommended in this book are simple and easy to do with little time and effort, yet will result in greater peace of mind for everyone in the family."-Rocky Lopes, Ph.D., Sr. Associate for Disaster Education American Red Cross Headquarters

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