The 4-1-1 on Life Skills: Essential Tips on: Home & Money Management; Personal Care & Safety; and More (Volume 1) Review

The 4-1-1 on Life Skills: Essential Tips on: Home and Money Management; Personal Care and Safety; and More (Volume 1)
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I think this book is filled with wonderful information! I wish I had a copy of it when I ventured out into the "Real World"! This book contains some very useful information on how to clean your house, how to do your laundry, when your food is spoiled, etc. and etc.! This book would make a great gift for a college freshman just leaving home for the first time! However I am 31 and I actually learned quite a bit from this book! It's a very good book to have in your library for those moments that you need some guidance!

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This is a book about the basic life skills that are not always taught in school or at home. Did you ever wonder when you were getting ready to leave home for the first time, if your parents had taught you everything you needed to know to survive on your own?Did you know how to do laundry; clean a home; balance a checkbook or cook a meal? Were you aware of the different types of deposits required to either rent or buy a home?If the answers were 'yes" - good for the role models that you had! Thank them every chance you get! If the answers were 'no" to most of these questions - don't be discouraged - there is help on the way! It is my hope that this book will help those who need it and will be shared with others who can benefit from it. This is not a 'be all, end all" book and it is not intended to replace knowledge received from professionals trained in certain areas. As a Registered Nurse, Life Skills Expert and a mother, I want to be able to help out the young adults of today and the next generation to come.

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