Repairing Pottery and Porcelain: A Practical Guide, 2nd edition Review

Repairing Pottery and Porcelain: A Practical Guide, 2nd edition
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Repairing Pottery and Porcelain is an in-depth guide to repairing pottery and porcelain. It gets pretty technical at times, but it is written in such a way that a beginner can easily learn the art of pottery repair. Instead of offering only one solution to a problem (i.e. cleaning), it offers many, explaining the differences in each.

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This fully-illustrated step-by-step guide clearly takes the student, the amateur, and the professional restorer through each stage of restoration, tackling the simple, the difficult, and the seemingly impossible jobs by providing practical information on every aspect of the ceramic repair process. With chapters on materials and tools; examination and identification of a ceramic body; cleaning; rebonding; filling, modeling and molding; retouching; as well as an international glossary of materials and a suppliers list, REPAIRING POTTERY AND PORCELAIN is sure to become a staple for every collector and potter.

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