Poucher's Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps Review

Poucher's Perfumes, Cosmetics and Soaps
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A very comprehensive book about perfume, soap and cosmetic industry. Decribes in great details about the industry historically. The book also provides information about where the flow, tendency and future of the perfume is going.
A must buy for perfumers, soap makers, and general cosmetic manufacturers.

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Poucher's Perfumes Cosmetics and Soaps has been in printsince 1923 and is the classic reference work in the field ofcosmetics. Now in a fully updated 10th edition, this new volumeprovides a firm basic knowledge in the science of cosmetics (includingtoiletries) as well as incorporating the latest trends in scientificapplications and legislation which have occurred since the 9thedition.This edition will not only be an excellent reference book for studentsentering the industry but also for those in specialized researchcompanies, universities and other associated institutions who will beable to gain an overall picture of the modern cosmetic science andindustry.The book has been logically ordered into four distinct parts. Thehistorical overview of Part 1 contains an essay demonstrating WilliamArthur Poucher's influence on the 20th Century cosmetics industry aswell as a chapter detailing the long history of cosmetics.Part 2 is a comprehensive listing of the properties and uses of commoncosmetic types, ranging from Antiperspirants through to Sunscreenpreparations. There are an increased number of raw materials in usetoday and their chemical, physical and safety benefits are carefullydiscussed along with formulation examples. The many additions sincethe last edition demonstrate the dramatic recent expansion in theindustry and how changes in legal regulations affecting thedevelopment, production and marketing of old, established and newproducts are operative almost worldwide. Information on specialistproducts for babies and others is included within individualchapters.The chapters in Part 3 support and outline the current guidelinesregarding the assessment and control of safety and stability. Thisinformation is presented chemically, physically andmicrobiologically.Part 3 chapters also detail requirements for the consumeracceptability of both existing and new products. Those legalregulations now in force in the EU, the USA and Japan are carefullydescribed in a separate chapter and the remaining chapters have beenextensively updated to explain the technical and practical operationsneeded to comply with regulations when marketing. This informationwill be invaluable to European Union and North American companies whenpreparing legally required product information dossiers.The final chapters in Part 4 contain useful information on thepsychology of perfumery as well as detailing methods for the conductof assessment trials of new products.As ingredient labelling is now an almost universal legal requirementthe International Nomenclature of Cosmetics Ingredients (INCI) for rawmaterials has been used wherever practicable.The advertised volume is the 10th edition of what was previously knownas volume 3 of Poucher's Cosmetics and Soaps. Due to changes inthe industry there are no plans to bring out new editions of volume 1and 2.

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