How I Turned $50 into $5 Million in Country Property--Part Time and How You Can Do the Same Review

How I Turned $50 into $5 Million in Country Property--Part Time and How You Can Do the Same
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I bought this book based on the prior 7 reviews. The prior reviewers need higher standards. The author spent about 1/2 of this book recapping world history, from the 60's to the new century, and the recap has nothing to do with real estate. For example, he talkes about what was happening in Vietnam, and then he tells about what he was doing at the same time back in the states (buying/selling land). Its not a very good How To book, because he never really discusses his reasons for the wordings of his ads, his strategies, etc.
Also, the title is misleading. It took this guy 45 years to have $5 million in real estate. I will be returing my copy to Amazon.
Also, this is a very, thick, wordy book, and only 1/2 to 1/4 of it is actually spent talking about real estate.I heard that this other books are better from someone that knows real estate: Finding and Buying your Place in the Country by Les Scher and How to Make a Fortune Investing in Real Estate: The Land Game by Albert Winnikoff. Robert J. Abalos-Investing in Land

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Comprehensive volume on buying and selling country property for profit.This book is designed to help anyone with a basic education make profit in rural real estate.Written by Accredited land broker, B.K. Haynes, this indexed, easy-to-read volume traces the country property field back 40 years. If used as instructed, this book can literally make you rich!

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