My Aspartame Experiment: Report from a Private Citizen Review

My Aspartame Experiment: Report from a Private Citizen
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I was enthralled by Victoria Inness-Brown's book.

Today one can find any number of books exposing the dangerous consequences of eating or drinking certain substances that have been approved by the FDA for human consumption.

As an independent teacher and social researcher I have a profound and extended interest in the area of health and diet. Years ago, I read "Silent Spring" by Rachel Carson and the parallel of that book and Victoria's book is remarkable.

Now, there is a book available to the public that strips the covering off of the artificial sweetener named aspartame. The author conducted her own experiment(on her own time with her own finances) and has gone into great detail on the protocol of her private experiment. She has given fascinating accounts of her discoveries, and the extensive photo documentation she provides drives home the nutritional truths that are only now gaining general understanding.

Victoria conducted her experiment on aspartame because she was concerned about the health of family members drinking large quantities of diet soda.

I can identify with her motivation to do something about the effects aspartame was having on her family. After reading Rachel Carson's book, I wanted to do something in the realm of health as well, so I became co-founder of an Organic food store providing wholesome and safe food and educating others in health and diet.

Besides aspartame, Victoria writes hard hitting revelations about pesticides, herbicides and excito- toxins such as MSG and aspartame. She also comments on genetically modified foods, soy, animal products, water and air quality.

The author's work contradicts everything the FDA and aspartame industry have been reporting regarding the safety of this sweetener. My own opinion is that aspartame is a potent toxic agent. It is an artificial sweetener made in a lab and more dangerous than you ever imagined.
What stands out and differs from every experiment made by a corporation that claimed to do valid research on aspartame was the duration of Victoria's experiment. The author devoted 2 years and 8 months of her life conducting her experiment in order to help her family but, in reality, the results have been collected and they will prove to benefit millions. Major corporations conducting experiments with aspartame varied these from a few hours or days to several months and then stated that aspartame is not harmful. Thus, the corporate studies did not even allow time for aspartame to take effect. Toxins are cumulative and may not affect humans until later in life. The author said she conducted her experiment until the natural deaths of her subjects. She found that most tumors appeared in the last third of their lifetimes.
In her book fact after fact is presented: Aspartame's chemical structure and its effect inside the body is explained; the harm aspartame has had on many of its victims is given and results of numerous experiments and studies by other scientists are cited.
So, why is aspartame, which is marketed under such names as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful still found in a great number of consumer food products? For the same reasons tobacco is everywhere: Greed and Profit, after causing Addiction.

Now Victoria Inness-Brown has bravely posed the question, "Are Your Diet Sodas Killing You?" The answer is emphatically - yes!
If you have any doubts, read this book.

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In My Aspartame Experiment: Report from a Private Citizen, author Victoria Inness-Brown recounts her controversial 2-1/2 year study of the effects of the artificial sweetener aspartame. Found in packets of NutraSweet or Equal, the sweetener is ingested by an estimated 200 million people and found in over 6,000 consumables, including sodas, candies, coffees, pharmaceuticals, vitamins, and dairy products. Though approved by the FDA, Inness-Brown claims the approval was based on studies cut off before the true effects of the additive could be seen. In addition, human studies use aspartame in capsules, which is not assimilated as fully as its liquid form, thereby minimizing adverse effects. Concerned about the health of family members addicted to diet soda, Inness-Brown raised 108 rats, giving 60 NutraSweet-laced water for 2 ½ years. As her rats on aspartame began manifesting tumors, paralysis, infected and bleeding eyes, and obesity, Inness-Brown made digital videos of the results, culminating in a disturbing visual record of the dangers of the additive. When leaked on the net in 2008, her findings became a hot news topic on popular blogs. Carefully researched, laced with photos and quotes from aspartame sufferers, scientists, and doctors, her book shows that a citizen can go up against a drug conglomerate and provide the public with important new information about a dangerous substance. Not since Rachel Carson's Silent Spring, has a book held such potential for social change. Her analysis of the environment she provided her rats brings up frightening issues about pesticides, herbicides, genetically modified foods, animal products, water and air quality. She believes that we are the rats of the companies that liberally spread their synthetic chemicals worldwide. No one fully understands the long-term effects-especially the complex interactions from intermixing thousands of toxic chemicals within the plant and animal kingdoms sustaining our planet.

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