The Ultimate Guide Review

The Ultimate Guide
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Stay at home and spend your time reading, watching TV and visiting friends. Not a chance! Running a home is time consuming, hard work and can be very satisfying if you do it right. That's what Mr. Koger says in The Ultimate Guide.
"...Do you know where to start vacuuming in a room? Do you know where to start in a store when you are grocery shopping? Do you follow the "right hand rule" when you are doing your errands? If your answer is "What are you talking about" then you can definitely use this book."
This step-by-step guide to running a household is for singles, a stay at home wife or husband - anyone who has to learn to run a household. Even my son says he wants the book.
Mr. Koger takes you through every aspect of daily activities from budgets, scheduling your days, working at home, cleaning, how to tie a necktie and cooking. He breaks it down so that anyone can follow the instructions. There are tips to make things easier for you. He even discusses how to re-lax and enjoy leisure time as a part of being an organized, successful homemaker.
The Ultimate Guide is a 2011 NTBF Book Award Finalist for adult non-fiction books presented at the Center for the Visual Arts on Saturday, April 16, 2011.

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Simplify your life with this handy guide. Though written with the stay at home parent in mind, it contains useful information for anyone no matter what their situation in life might be. Parents, childless couples, single adults and everyone else will benefit (or knows someone that will benefit) from the practical wisdom contained in this book.Do yourself, and those you love, a favor. Pick up a copy today."A must have for every home."--This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition.

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