Nutrition and Diet Therapy, Fourth Edition Review

Nutrition and Diet Therapy, Fourth Edition
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I am a Dietetic Technician student and this semester for our Medical Nutrition Therapy I class, we didn't have a book, so it made the semester difficult. I was going through the library and found a copy of Nutrition and Diet Therapy by Peggy Stanfield and was astounded. After each chapter, there were chapter questions and the answers were provided on a different page, but it gave you a tool to study by. Because we had to pull information from so many places, our notes from the class, probably over 500 pages if not more and it possibly wasn't all valid information or it could of been questionable because it was off the internet and some sites are trying to sell you their products. So information that isn't studied or researched enough, pulling it off the web is like accepting someone's bias as the truth. This book is concrete, measurable, accurate, up do date with the RDA's Recommendations. Each chapter covers a different topic, such as Nutrition and Diabetes, or equations to find someone's BEE, TDE, %body fat, etc...this book has done a superb job laying it out, organizing it and putting the most important information in the book. It is easy to understand and follow even if you aren't entering into a medical or nutritional field, but just interested in different topics and how nutrition relates to it. This is the book for you. I'm sad I found the book at the end of the semester because I was so impressed with the content, how thourouh it was and the reviews. Definetly two thumbs up.

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Ideal for courses in which there is a need for a self-paced approach, contains student progress checks so that readers may assess their understanding of material.

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