Laundry: The Spirit of Keeping Home Review

Laundry: The Spirit of Keeping Home
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I really liked this book. It's short and simple, and inspires me to try and enjoy doing the laundry, rather than making it such a tedious chore. There is nothing really innovative in this book, but it's a nice and easy read for those looking for a little motivation and something to inspire. I like the idea of the "Spirit of Homekeeping", especially since I am a 20 something year old woman who grew up "hanging out" and watching too much television! Now that I have a family of my own, I love the old fashioned ideas of keeping home, and making the daily grind a little more enjoyable.

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In grandmother's day, the fibers were natural, the suds were simple, and the clothes dryer was a line stretched across the backyard. Today the parade of products and fabrics seems endless. But author Monica Nassif knows the secrets behind this satisfying ritual. Laundry lays them outfrom sorting and soaking to fluffing and folding, here are tips and techniques that make doing the wash a true pleasure.

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